So earlier today I went down to the bookstore today and I was just so depressed at all the books that I wanted to rant about it. But then I came upstairs and read some nerd news and I have something totally new to complain about that probably like... none, or very few of you, actually care about.
I'm no Modern Warfare fan. I mean uh I fully admit that Call of Duty is amazing and MW2 looked fucking fantastic, but something about the feel of the previous games failed to appeal to me. MW2 though is probably the most looked-forward to FPS since fucking Half-Life 2... or Halo 3, whatever, depending on which side of the road you travel on in FPS-world. But any fucking gamer will know that the main reason why the PC gaming industry is so prolifc-- and you know, shows no fucking signs of dying-- is because of a wonderful thing knon was the modding community. Companies like Valve take full advantage of the mod community and have generated an insane amount of loyalty from the fans because of this. I know Valve owns my soul.
But Infinity Ward just
fucked their fanbase up the ass.Call of Duty community manager Rob Bowling, also known as 'fourzerotwo', has confirmed in a podcast that the PC version of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will not support user-created mods. Worse, it will not support dedicated servers. PC gamers will have to suffer peer-to-peer connections, just like their console-owning cousins.
Mr. Bowling could offer no defence for this move, and simply stated that: "The team's focusing on having it very equal on every platform" and "We're doing a lot of work on the back end."
Previous PC versions of CoD have supported dedicated servers. Their absence will apparently make the game "much more accessible to the PC community as a whole."
You can hear the podcast that the bitch revealed this information on
HERE on uStream. Skip forward to about 1:40.
Having it equal on every platform? Much more accessible to the PC community? Motherfucking bullshit. I care very little for MW2, and even I'm feeling the backlash-- and I care very much for the industry as a whole, and for such a major release to give the PC community such a gigantic kick in the balls? Matters a lot. I thought I'd already heard the worst of it back when Blizzard announced that Starcraft 2 wasn't getting LAN-- which is, by the way, still retarded. Blizzard still has godknowshowlong to realize how much they're being stupid cunts about that. MW2 is due to be released in less than a month.
And to hit everyone with news this late? You have any idea how many people are cancelling their pre-orders ridled NERDRAEG and fury? Rob Bowling has already tested his grounds with the gaming community at large many, many times, and to be honest I already thought of him as a bit of a douche way before this. But IW's just spitting in the face of their main fanbase, here. They've taken tons of ideas from the modding community-- and I mean, fucking blatant ripoffs, given them absolutely zero credit, and now they've removed modding entirely from the game. It's so ridiculous I can't even phrase it properly. What the hell is next? Halo with no multiplayer? Assassin's Creed with no stabbing? Warcraft with no right-clicking?
The lack of dedicated is ridiculous, too. There's only one possible logical reason for all of this, and that is simple money-making greed. Now they can sell us map packs at $10 a map and there's no way for people to make their own maps. The modding community of any game-- take your fucking pick, Halo, Left 4 Dead, Empire Earth, Age of Empires, Resident Evil, Warcraft-- has, time after time, proven that it's been able to spit things out it's ass that's of higher quality than most professional developers can do. Not because of developers lack of skill, of course-- it's a labour of love and time and dedication, take for instance the amazing L4D custom campaigns which are the most fun thing ever, and the runaway hit-- now it's own WCG category-- from Warcraft, DotA. It's just... stupid.
There's now absolutely no reason to own the PC version. Way to fucking shit on the faces of all the fans that made you popular, IW. Activision is bound to do this again and again with all it's developers now that you've given them the heads up for it, and I hope they run you into the ground unless you turn around and admit what a fucking huge screwup this is.
EDIT: All this, I realize, is made even more amazing by the fact the amount of end-2009 AAA titles is insane and everyone's clamouring for attention. This probably made MW2 drop way down the list for any sane gamer. The sheer amount of AAA games this year infact caused tons of them to be pushed to early 2010, instead-- it's a good time to be a gamer. Such a good, sweet time. And maybe by the end of the year I'll actually have a rig to join in the festivities with.