This entry's gonna be all over the place.
Guitar itself was pretty fun today, but afters Damien, Cancy and I sat around in Macs and eventually started speculating on the possibility of Teddy Lupin being a Metamorphmagus. We went into genetics, and eventually we ended up scientifically explaining Lycanthropy and Vampirism and other weird shit like that.
Pseudoscientifically, of course, anyone remotely educated in any of these things INCLUDING OURSELVES can see glaring errors. But hey, it was fun.
REGARDING TEDDY: Now logically Metamorphmag...ism is a hereditary trait, albeit ridiculously rare. A recessive gene that requires double representation in order to be expressed is the most likely cause. Since Metamorphmagi clearly have the ability to somehow freely modify their genetic material, it makes perfect sense that this ability will be able to be passed on through reproduction, so Teddy being a Metamorphmaagus is possible.
LYCANTHROPY, on the other hand, is more tricky. While we'll elaborate on that later, Lycantropy is not an inborn condition and hence not likely to be hereditary unless it affects the new werewolf's DNA upon being bitten. But if we assume that it's hereditary, you know what could possibly happen?
Teddy would be a fucking metamorphmagawolf thing. Now you might be thinking, HOLY SHIT! What's the point of being a werewolf then? I mean he'd just transform into a wolf and then go "oh man I'm bored of this *turns back into a human metamorphmagus-style*. But while the limits of metamorphmagy were never explicitly stated, it's safe to assume that the changes are very very minor, so Teddy could be a pink-furred werewolf.
Until you again remember that: a) Wolves are completely colorblind, and b) Metamorphmagy requires conscious control. In the were state, Teddy would probably be unable to control his Metamorphmagy, but since he's colorblind he wouldn't be able to see anything wrong.
Therefore, Teddy would be a fucking DISCO BALL WOLF that rapidly changes color like an acid-trip rainbow. That's right, Ted Lupin would require a goddamn epilepsy warning.
Teddy "Rainbow Ted" Lupin is possibly the best theoretical werewolf ever. Personally I feel that since Twilight has sparkling vampires, their werewolves too should be capable of some form of psychadelic display. If Jacob does infact have this ability, then I demand a fucking dance-off.
REGARDING LYCANTHROPY; Going with classic legends of Lycanthropy, as much of a White Wolf fan as I am, this is what we know.
- NOT INBORN. One is not "born" a werewolf.
- INFECTION. You become a werewolf only by being bitten by another werewolf. We're ignoring all the WEARING THE SKIN OF A WOLF AT X WHILE SAYING Y type crap.
- TRANSFORMATION. Occurs in accordance with the moon cycle.
- WEAKNESSES. Silver. Wolfsbane.
- BADASS. Can't deny it.
After debating a shitload, we eventually arrived at the conclusion that Lycanthropy came in the form of a virus. The virus works by infecting the bloodstream and, as viruses do, turning cells into virus-making machines, hence self-perptuating throughout the system. The difference being, the virus literally interferes with the processes of protein synthesis and RNA translation. Through this, it creates a NEW double-helix structure of DNA in every nucelus of the body. Yes. Every.
It's a very hyperactive virus.
See, transformations can take place in two ways: through the spontaneous rearranging of the cells in the body, which requires a tremendous amount of energy, or through the spontaneous destruction and regeneration of the cells in the body, which... yeah is kind of ridiculous because you die and come back and then you'd be a zombie werewolf, and that kind of thing just doesn't happen, unless the virus was also capable of introducing rapid regeneration into the host's system. Which while possible, is something we aren't working with.
The NEW double-helix structure we talked about before, then, is the "wolf form". The virus goes through a certain timing cycle, possibly triggered either by fluctuations in gravity from the moon's pull (unlikely, being how minor those effects are), exposure to the particular wavelength of moonlight (checked up, moonlight is infact a different wavelength from sunlight),the host's biological clock, or just... a cycle that HAPPENS TO COINCIDE with the moon cycle, and triggers the transformation. Most likely, the factors are a combination of the above, especially after noting that werewolves transform only during the NIGHTS of the full moon period. The transformation "activates" the normally dormant werewolf-form DNA, via the reading of the new structure it interferes with the entire body and all the cells rearrange themselves to form something somewhat fuzzier and significantly scarier. This includes chemical signals to the brain that introduce predatory drives.
It's a bit of a stretch of the imagination but fuck you, they're WEREWOLVES. We're trying.
While the werewolf-form DNA is activated, part of the commands it is sending out is to deconstruct itself. Hence after a period of time the werewolf-form structure is destroyed, the human DNA regains dominance, the host returns to normal, and the virus reassembles another werewolf helix structure. It's possible that the assembly time and all that is the reason for the monthly cycle.
WHY the virus does this is actually pretty simple to explain. AS the Selfish Gene so kindly informed us all, most forms of life can pretty mcuh be thought of as self-replicating machines. WE exist solely to pass on genes and create more genes, and in other words the virus over time evolves to perpetuate itself, because that is what needs to be done. Werewolves infect others through their bites- but it's also been shown (HARRY POTTER, BILL, WHEN HE WAS CLAWED AT BY A WEREWOLF) that attacks with claws can cause minor side-effects, although not full lycanthropy. It can be assumed then that their fangs/claws hold some form of venom. Hence you can think of it that in the human form this venom does not exist, so in order to infect other people and perpetuate itself, the were form is necessary.
Even if the venom existed in human form, people don't go around biting other people. So yeah.
Vulnerability to silver and wolfsbane is something we spent forever trying to explain in the coolest way, but really the most elegant solution- occam's razor, yay- is that it's a simple allergic reaction. The virus fundamentally alters the host's genetic structure, and it's feasible that it could cause allergic reactions to the two. We can't bring alchemy into this, so yeah, that's pretty much it, noting that silver's high reactivity is something to work with.
If it's reactivity had to do with the thing, though, that means that any reactive metal could be used against a werewolf. Making Francium bullets is highly amusing- completely impossible, because the gun would kind of spontaneously combust in your hand the moment you finsiehd making it. So it's more of a bomb, really.
Noted that werewolves have been around for a shitlong time, at least 14th century, and technology at the time would have been sufficient to make silver musket balls, if you were in China. The rest of the world's a little behind, and actual silver bullets come a lot later. It's likely therefore that people of the time stuck to silver swords and stabbing things.
Regaring TEDDY LUPIN, again: since lycanthropy is a virus that affects the genetic structure, it COULD be passed down to the child in at least a mild form. So yeah, fucking disco ball wolves.
REGARDING VAMPIRISM;Classical vampires, again. Except for the stuff about not being able to cross running water, the need to obsessively count piles of salt/rice/grain/etc. Those are just myths.
We also discounted the bat thing. It only made sense if the vampire was to transform into a really fucking huge bat, because if it transformed into one, there's the problem of where all the extra mass goes, and how the hell it gets created out of nowhere once the vampire transforms back. The Animorph-esque idea of Z-space could work here, but yeah. Also in certain mythos, such as Discworld, the vampire instead transforms into multiple bats with a sort of hive-consciousness in order to make up for the mass problem, but this presents the problem of being able to SPLIT YOUR BRAIN INTO PEICES AND HAVE IT REFORM AND HAVE YOU STILL BE THE SAME PERSON. Rather like the transporter problem- destruction and reassembly- we have no idea if that'd be the same person, if "soul" remains if it exists, etc.
So yeah, no, but Vampirism is a parasite.
Not just any parasite. Vampirism is literally parasitic blood, mutated to extreme complexity- vampiric blood cells contain nuclei. They're not so much blood cells as yeah LOADS of parasitic organisms that doubly function as a bloodstream, carrying oxygen and water and whatnot, but in a weak sor tof way they do have a form of hive-consciousness. For awhile we toyed with the idea of the ORIGINAL vampires, the very first ones in classical folklore, which really weren't very different from zombies. The idea that the vampire was at the very least completely braindead, but the blood itself kept the flesh tissue and all that alive, capable of making use of the brain in order to send very basic commands such as "go there" and "bite the shit out of that". Sadly though this makes vampires much less cool, so we scrapped that.
Instead the blood forms a bond with it's unwilling host. Upon being bitten, parasitic blood enters the system, rapidly multiples and infact uses the host's normal human blood as it's own sustenance, literally EATING THE HUMAN BLOOD and replacing it with itself. The vampiric blood in turn affects the rest of the body, including the synthesis of chemicals in the brain which provide the person- which is STILL THE SAME PERSON, just with vampiric blood- with the drive to bite and drink blood.
Yeah, it is really creepy to think about "living" parasitic blood. askdjasd.
Vampiric blood causes the body to have a ridiculously low metabolism rate, drastically increasing lifespan to the point of practical immortality. It's also very, very, very efficient because of this low metabolism- despite the lack of real food sustenance due to the host's usual diet of blood rather than normal food, the body is capable of turning just about all of this to energy, more than 90% rather than the usual 10% of most organisms. This means that the vampire has a lot of energy to be used to achieve feats of super strength and super speed, and it also means that the vampire loses very little energy as heat, leaving their skin cool to the touch.
Vampires are primarily nocturnal things- mostly because of their excellent nightvision. Too excellent, infact- the parasite causes the cones and rods in the eye to malfunction slightly and not be able to switch back and forth between day and night vision so easily. To compensate for this the parasite introduces a third sensor that you can call whatever shape you want, ring ball bowl sphere pyramid pentagon tesseract, that is sensitive to ultraviolet light. They however, can't exactly deactivate- this means that under daylight, they risk going completely blind.
In addition, the parasite causes a condition very similar to
Xeroderma Pigmentosum, better known as an "allergy" to sunlight. The skin is unable to properly regenerate from UV light damage, making it essential to avoid sunlight entirely- infact they are so sensitive to it that it causes extreme pain and the literal sensation of being burned should they be under direct sunlight. This variation of the condition also comes with a lack of melanin in the skin- which is responsible for their beautiful marble complexions.
In the case of Twilight vampires, this is replaced with a very reflective form of pigment, possibly silicon-based, that causes that signature Cullen Sparkle.
Vampires have the predatory drive for reasons similar to werewolves- the parasite wants to perpetuate itself. Vampirism can be spread through the contact of bodily fluids, blood-to-blood contact (VAMPIRISM IS AIDS!!11!), and since the vampire eats blood anyway, two things in one: bite other people to infect them and spread the parasite, and gain sustenance. Pretty decent tradeoff.
Vampiric aversion to garlic is explained as a simple allergic reaction, again. Also, garlic is known to be very, very effective at killing germs, so the parasite probably wouldn't like that shit. THe blood also introcues rapid regeneration into the system- a stake to the heart works because of the severe bleedout and the interferance with blood being pumped throughout the body. Without the creepy parasitic blood, most of the vampire's abilities are lost, and hence it dies like a normal person stabbed through the chest.
Cures for vampirism probably don't exist since they kind of are your BLOOD now. It's perhaps possible for serums to be created in order to counteract the blood's infleunce on the brain, however. The traditional cure for vampirism, though, is death.
The one thing we haven't been able to properly explain is the aversion to crosses. In the folklore the reason why Vampires are scared of crosses is because of fear of God- the geater the faith of the man behin dthe cross, the more the Vampire feels like screaming like a little girl. In more modern adaptations, such as my beloved White Wolf mythos, faith itself is what the vampire fears- some guy was able to repel a vampire, through is faith in the power of money and the capitalist economy, using a credit card. Since we can't exactly pseudo-scientifically rationalize faith, we'll have to look into how the brain recognizes and processes visual information, and what happens to a vampire's brain when they recognize an X shape.
AVADA KEDAVRA; We didn't have enough time to try and work out a possible scientific explanation for magic in general, as that required things such as defining magic, but it's possible for it to be the fifth force of the universe: electrostatic force, gravitational force, nuclear strong force, nuclear weak force, and magic. This means that of course a possible candidate for a theory of everything is "A Wizard Did It".
But we wanted to try and come up with things for spells- Point Me, for example, is caused by rapid magnetization of the wand, and Petrificus Totalus literally triggers rigor mortis in a living person. The Imperius curse we have trouble with, Stupefy being a loss of consciousness, and Crucio being a very fucking painful seizure because you're having it while you're conscious and fully aware. Avada Kedavra, on the other hand, the killing spell that leaves no marks?
Well Moody mentions that if there insignfiicant killing intent/skill behind the wielder, attempts at the killing curse could fail. Failed killing curses, as he said, could cause nothing more than a nosebleed. Nosebleeds are caused by burst capillaries in the nose bridge area- therefore Avada Kedavra must somehow be related to a bleed-death.
This means that the killing curse "leaving no mark" only means leaving no scars and all that. Avada Kedavra therefore could work by causing spontaneous internal haemorrhagging like everywhere, but that's not very elegant or very classy.
Instead, what we think is possible is that a failed curse forms a blood clot in the nosebridge, which results in a buildup of pressure behind the clot and the capillary bursting, and then the nosebleed. A fully successful curse, though, would cause spontaneous clotting throughout the entire body, literally suffocating the brain. This would take a few seconds for the brain to actually "die", but they would be a few UNCONSCIOUS seconds- it leaves enough of a timeframe to explain things such as Sirius' shocked look at Harry, though (a reflex action that requires no conscious thought to control).
Other theories include some kind of a sonic blast (difficult as it would be very noticable all around, plus this would indicate that the spell is capable of killing more than one person at once, especially the caster himself), spontaneous shutdown of the brain (which is weird? Cancy suggested it be done through trauma, which means that the spell is REALLy just a glorified punch to the head), and... yeah.
We hope to explain how Harry Potter actually did live, because "love" is bullshit.
HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE GAY, youtube link, stolen from
zealmightyspork. Don't... raise an eyebrow at it, just close your eyes and go with it. Bawww.
To add more to the lack of focus on this entry.
- Clerks: The Animated Series
- The Critic
- Gargoyles
- The Real Ghostbusters
- Clone High
- Teen Titans (Lmfao yeah)
- Star Wars: Clone Wars
- Johnny Quest
- Todd MacFarlane's Spawn
- Batman Beyond
- Aqua Teen Hunger Force
- Justice League Unlimited
IDK it just occured to me that of all the anime/manga I have to watch, I wanted to rewatch some western stuff too. Even if I have already seen Clone High like 500 times.
You know what would be awesome? JOHNNY QUEST LIVE ACTION MOVIE. Fuck yes. Questworld in glorious HD CGI on the silver screen.