The Apartment is starting to feel a bit more like My Apartment. For one, I have the Internetz. They just got installed today. I've hung most of my wall stuff, but there's still too much white for my taste. If I had my way I'd have an extra $500 to drop on mirrors art and frames and stuff. Working on that. Meantime, I bought a couch and a coffee table last week, which will be delivered soon. Next on my to-get list is a few sets of shelves. I kind of miss the built-in hutch/shelves at my old place... ah well. It's weird how much time I spend fantasizing about easy chairs and book storage. Meantime, I've got my eye on a
couple of
these. Also, outdoor furniture and a grill and a new dining table/chairs.
I'm getting used to this place. It's all right, a nice complex, and it's bigger than my last apartment, but it just doesn't have the same personality. I miss the mouldings and the tone and the flavor that my cramped little space had, which has been replaced by nondescript 1980s building. Drywall and white. Pictures soon. For now some filler about furniture fantasies will have to do.
Also, last night I went out to a place called O'Flaherty's. I ended up participating in an open mic poetry jam, completely ad-libbed, and enjoyed the bejesus out of it. I don't remember everything I said, but I remember it was a lot of fun.
Work tomorrow. g'night.