Ok, so it turns out I'm a total lucky genius who decided to live in the right spot. I CAN HIJACK THE UNI INTERWEBS FROM MY BED! I love my flat. I love love love it. Although I kinda wish I'd figured this out 10 months ago when I moved in. That would have saved me a lot of money on the internet, and my Uni account is getting wiped at the end of next week :(. Still, free internets til then :D Yays! Right, so because I thought I wouldn't have the internet I wrote my own lil reaction notes as I listened to the House of the Dead on the train earlier, so I'd at least have someones reactions to read over lol! It's certainly not everything I think now I've had some time to think about it, and I've not seen MD yet so I have no idea how it fits in. Thank you 3 Peaks Challenge - I'll post about that next :D Anyhoo, my - now mostly totally redundant and hilarious when you know whats going on - notes.
Ok, so since I can't spack via the interwebs right now, I'm taking notes as this radio play apparently changes everything. I'm wibbling right now. Here goes :/
Ianto's alone?! Oh dear!
Ahahahahaha. Nice entrance Jack XD
Loving the atmospheric Torchwood music.
Everyone's gonna die? Ok lol. Is it just me or has JB finally got into this whole radio acting thing? At least at the beginning. Let's see how it goes :)
Awww. Looking after Jack.
Visions? Death feeder? Bending time? Using the dead against them? Starting to worry about the Ianto reveal thing again now....
EEEEEEEEE! Ianto's dad! I KNEW IT! oooh betrayal??? I'm not gonna speculate. I shall wait. Impatiently. Very impatiently. 30 mins left. How bad can it get in 30 mins??? *wibble*
All do with a drink? I bloody could! Hahaha poor Ianto gets no coffee.
Wait what???? VOICE TALKING TO IANTO! ACK! Oh god, what's his dad gonna say/do???? ...it totally can get that bad in 30 mins can't it.
Right, must try not to squeal when stuff happens. I'm on a bloody train!
Hospitals??? IT'S HIS DAD THAT WENT PROVIDENCE?!?!?! I was gonna do that in my story. Prob not the way it's gonna go in this....
Oh, stop tempting him with the dead. That's just mean. Don't bring up Lisa. He won't fall for that again. Will he? No wait betray Jack?! Not again. Oh Ianto, please don't.
Give him a fecking hug Jack! At least! Poor boy is freaked. 20 mins left. Please don't make me cry on a train.
I don't want them to be able to see or touch them! God this psychic sounds insane.
Of course. Don't trust Jack. (sarcasm)
Eh? 'Gwen's' going along with it? Ianto is? ....JACK IS?! What the hell is going on in this play?
Aww he trusts Ianto. HAHAHAHAHA he's holding a box. Well done Ianto.
Oooh, not Gwen. I thought as much but still I like it :)
Dust? Dust? What the hell is dust going to do?
Hold up, seal the rift?
Oh piss off Ianto's dad. I don't want to hear it!!!!!! Shush!
Yes, bloody seal them away.
God boy Ianto.
Aww Jack's being adorable.
Wait what? Die? Again? Oh my god, is this post COE?!?!?! Oh please no, I will cry. I'm tearing up. Oh crap. Screw you James Goss. You're making me cry on a bloody train!
Oh god, 6 months. Right before he leaves. Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god.
Recreated him? Fix it fic abounds from this I bloody hope!
Oh ouch Ianto Jones.
Aww, he only wants to see Ianto. Oh this is fecking painful.
Go away? No wonder he left Earth. Oh, world empty without him. Oh suicidal Jack.
Oh they're fecking adorable.
EXCEPT IT'S NOT GOING TO WORK! Oh I can't take this. Ianto stays behind to fix it. Oh god, don't make me go through their goodbyes again.
Oh. Oh. They gave us the I love you.
Oh, this is the closure I needed post COE. Ok James Goss, you made me cry on a train. I'm still crying, but I think I might just forgive you for this.
...I'm totally listening to the last 10 mins again when I get home and can bawl like a baby in peace. Why do I still have an hour left on this train?!
I might actually be able to take MD now they've at least dealt with the grief. This makes me more positive about it. But jeez that was heartbreaking! Oh boys.
(...of course, in my head canon, Ianto is still alive. Always :P But I really really loved this)
Ok, I couldn't wait. Last 10 mins. Still on the train. Totally going to cry again. Ianto :_( It makes me cry but I could listen to Jack talk like this all day.
Totally get Ianto's resentment at being brought back. How utterly devastating must this have been for him? He always knew Jack would lose him and move on but to see it happening?!?! And have Jack say he can't look at him and didn't go to his funeral. Oh Ianto.
He saw him one last time :( Ianto being sneaky and manipulative by saying what he really wants to say and do, but really only saying it to get Jack out of there. How much do I love that boy?
Oh why am I listening to this again while I'm still on the train?!?!? I've got to stop crying in a massively pubic place...I only just got that Ianto effectively died a second time, only this time he closed the rift?
Much better death than accidental death for no reason other than to crush Jack. Thank god I've only got like 20 mins left on the train.
I think I'm going to replay the 'I never said it properly before'
'It doesn't need saying'
'Yes it does! Ianto Jones...I love you'
'And I love you too Jack' one hell of a lot over the next few days. So so so glad I downloaded this. Not happy I don't have the interwebs to watch fandom explode at this. Still, that's what the 10 min walk to uni is for XD
...I totally said Jack didn't say 'don't' not because he didn't love Ianto, but because he didn't want to say goodbye. I really could have done without another round of 'please don't leave me' though. It broke me in COE and it did it again.
Although really the whole thing from the Ianto's dead reveal broke me into tiny little pieces. At least no one can ever tell the Janto fans that jack didn't love Ianto, or that they didn't have a real relationship ever ever again. Jack's half mad with grief here
and saying how the world is empty without Ianto, and out of all the people he's ever lost it was Ianto he wanted to see again and how he could never forget them and he was willing to walk away from it all so long as he was with Ianto and I think I want to marry James Goss. MARRY HIM!
Ok, so I'm home now and got to listen to the last 10 mins again and turn into a sobbing wreck in private. I feel better now. This totally makes COE more bearable. I mean minus the plot holes and odd characterisation etc. It makes Ianto dying bearable. Kind of. I actually really want to see at least the beginning of MD now.
Feck Torchwood. I can't remember crying this much over any film/book/tv show before ever. I'm going to read comfort fic I've got on my laptop now. Lots of it. Once I can see the screen through the tears again that is lol! i'm not sure I'll be able to think of this one without crying for a while but it is so far beyond worth it.
OH LMAO! MD ad on my TV right now. Perfect timing hahahahahaha. Ok, I'm done now, I've calmed down a wee bit haha. Jeez, and I thought the end of The Dead Line was good :p