Oct 16, 2007 12:08
hey guys!
I know i haven't been posting much but I'm just weay too lazy and exams are just around the cornern so i need to focus more on studying LOL like that would ever happen.
Anyway how's everyone doing?? Summer is almost here! YAY ^_^
Nothing much has been going on lol just like vinny :P my lif is oh so boring right now since I'm not going out because of the exams. Uni is going to be my bar/club/mall/party subtitue [?] lol for a whollleeee month =[
lol all good though. I've been spending way too much time with my *thingy ;)
that might be a good thing but im not sure. Hmm.... I haven't had an urge to kill hiom yet so i guess it's good :P
ahahahah ok i thyink I'm using wayyyyyy too many smileys in this post. hmmmm..
There's really nothing to say. Abby Sanches has the most exciting life this month LOL I swear she does. Everyone else is bored but she's not. She's ALWAYS blabbing about something. BWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
joke lang abby
Well, i need to start studying. cool aye? be good folks. don't bum aroud too much :P
*thingy = boy