Jul 28, 2004 13:59

it's kinds like an adlib, funny no?

Scene One:

Janit opens the door to the studio, rushing in hoping that nobody will notice the time.

jocelyn: You're late.

Janit: Yeah, I know. Sorry about that.

jocelyn: It's okay, we were just talking about some small modifications to the new movie.

Janit: Oh yeah?

Josh: Go get changed into your...uh...uniform and we'll get rolling.

Corey: And hurry up. I'm not getting any warmer here.

Scene Two:

Janit rushes off to the dressing room and puts on the new 'uniform'. On the way back, the uniform gets caught on a knife. Janit catches it and stuffs it into the uniforms pocket. This knife might come in handy. When Janit returns he sees Corey layed out on the desk. Janit quickly jumps onto the desk and gets to work.

jocelyn: Okay...Start shooting Josh.

Corey: Oh regis phillman you're so...shapely and...oh...

Janit: Oh, Corey you just turn me on baby.

Corey: It's always been my ultimate fantasy to see your arm...

Janit: You're going to see more than my arm Corey...

Janit reveals the arm on his regis phillman costume and Corey moans with ecstacy. It doesn't take long for the action to go from 'steamy to 'incredibly-mind-blowing-oh-my-god-I'm-going-to-explode'.

Corey: aaaaaaaooooouuuuueeeiiiiii! Ohh! aaaaaaaooooouuuuueeeiiiiii!

Janit: Oh my Jebus!

Corey: aaaaaaaooooouuuuueeeiiiiii! Oh, people=shit!

Janit: What the?

Janit keeps up the work on Corey, then sees a book next to the desk. Janit grabs it with both hands and grins at Corey.

Corey: Holy shit! That's the biggest book I've seen in my life!

Janit: You ain't seen nothing yet.

Janit uses the book on Corey.

Corey: satan! satan! aaaaaaaooooouuuuueeeiiiiii!

Janit: Oh my god, I can't believe that.

Corey: Oh Janit!

Janit: Oh Corey!

Corey: Ohhhh Janit!

Janit: Oh Corey!

Corey: Ohhhhhhhhhh Janit!

Janit: Oh for fucks sake Corey.

Corey: Sorry Janit, but it's just you remind me so much of a cherry, I could just eat you.

Janit: Oh and I'd let you eat me. I love it when you call me a cherry.

Corey: Oh Janit, you're the juiciest cherry I've ever seen.

Janit: Ohhhhh Corey.

Janit suddenly remembers the knife from earlier and pulls it out from his regis phillman costume. Janit uses the knife on Corey in the most flexible way possible.

Corey: Oh my god where did that knife come from?

Janit: regis phillman is full of surprises.

With that Janit falls off the desk. Unknown to Janit a ferret jumps up onto the desk.

Corey: Oh Janit you dirty cherry.

Janit: Oohhh Corey...

Corey: You dirty, DIRTY, skanky cherry!

Janit: Ohh Corey...Corey?

Corey: Janit?

Janit: I'm on the floor.

Corey: What the?

Corey looks up to see a ferret on top. Corey shrugs.

Corey: Get over here Janit.

Janit: Jesus Christ...

Janit and the ferret go to work on Corey. A few minutes later...

Corey: aaaaaaaooooouuuuueeeiiiiii! satan! satan! Jebus! Anyone!

jocelyn: And...CUT!

Josh: That's a wrap.

jocelyn: Fantastic, absolutely perfect, who would've thought...a ferret!

Josh: We're going to make millions.

Janit: Corey?

Corey: Janit I can't believe we had a threesome with a ferret.

And that's a wrap. Go on. Go away. The Interactive Porn Story is over. OVER. Go away.
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