While I was lingering about the waiting room this morning- for another one of my numerous doctor's apointments- I realized I had forgotten to bring along something to read. So like everyone else in the waiting room I picked up one of the magazines that was sitting there in a nice, tidy little stack. I thumbed through the pages not really interested in any of the content (an empty stomach has a way of being rather distracting) but flipping nonetheless. Then I saw this ad for a cologne and I just sat there staring at it, thinking about how totally yummy he looked.
I haven't written a darn word in ages, heck I can't even concentrate past this complete and utter exhaustion- I am lucky I recalled the directions to the doctor this morning. But then as I viewed the ad I just wanted with this total and complete devistation to be better, to be back to normal enough to actually take that picture and make -- something out of it.
God I miss everyone so very much.
As a Keek-treat, to make up for my absence and neglect I offer you eyecandy....mmmmm Triton, Eros, Merc??? Those lips.....somewhere in that writer part of my brain, which is tucked back behind the many concerns and fears I have at the moment, is a lovely hawt scene being knit together for later use.
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