2 down!

Oct 29, 2007 23:30

One to go!! i worked my shift in the cheese mine and got out of there around 9:20pm. bought some cans of cat food on the way out and headed over to my burnt wreck of a pad to look in the back yard for the kitties, mohawk and ugatz. i was initially distracted by my super-cute neighbor Cody and his roommate Kristina, who were breaking up a mirror they'd found for an art project. that boy makes me drool a little. so i finally get to my back yard and call for a while. eventually ugatz came to the sound of my voice and talked to me for a while. but you see, we've done this a bunch over the last 2 weeks and i really wasn't expecting much different this time. but he came to me! i put him in a cat carrier and brought him back 2 Tai & Corin's on the 33 bus, and now he's exploring the room i've been staying in. it's such a joy 2 have him back. Please keep sending yr best mojo 4 mohawk--she's 14, she's way more indoor than outdoor and i can only guess she's way more freaked than even these little boys were. oh yeah, and we haven't seen her at all yet. please let her show up safe & sound.
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