... okay, now it's just getting silly, guys.
- Pokemon Trainer Brendan
- Pyramid King Brandon
- Bug Maniac Brandon [Rte. 120, Ru/Sa only; renamed "Jeffrey" in Em]
Sailor Brenden [Dewford Gym/Em]
Camper Branden [... the desert?/Em]
So. What's left? The "Brennan"-line variants? Or, just maybe, Brenda?
Sort of on the same dub-name trail...
I wonder why all those Pokemon fans who insist on using the JP names never seem to use the official Gamefreak romanizations. Arguably, if you're going to dismiss the dub names of Pokemon because they're not the real original names, you should be using the real JP names, right?
Yes, even if they're awkward, like "Prasle", "Laglarge", or "Tyltalis" (<- my favourite :E - チルタリス/Altaria).
Also; names that remained the same. Is it really, *really* necessary to insist that a certain purple psychic feline-thing by the name of ミュウツー is "Myuutsu" and not "Mewtwo", despite the fact they're the same thing? Lugia/Rugia? Suicune/Suikun? Absol/Abusoru?
... I dunno, I guess I get annoyed at people who figure "I can't be assed to learn the dub names, so I'll just keep using the JP ones, comprehension be damned!". And even moreso at the ones who use the JP names exclusively, saying that the EN ones sound stupid. ... yeah, 'cause "Sand" (Sandshrew), "Crab" (Krabby), and "Ghost" (Haunter) are just the best names EVAR. Right.
( Ahah. I wonder if I'm really one to talk, though, given that I still have a habit of referring to a certain techinicolour turkey as "Houou" rather than it's jerky, awkward, hyphenated EN name )
Riviera's music really reminds me of the Sakuraba/Tamura combination in some Tales games (P, S, R). o_o; Wonder who the composer really is...