(no subject)

Jul 16, 2006 22:07

Tom Brokoff just spent two hours on the Discovery channel with a program about global warming. It was just a simply thing that ol' Ann The Man would call junk science. That is, the scientific reality agreed upon by 99% of scientists. The program put all the junk crap they like to say, like its just natural warming, burn more gas, and just bitch slapped the bullshit with reason, truth, and logic. Watching it just got me up in arms, this is kind of a sore spot with me, I really do love the outdoors and the way these fuckers are trying to say we don't need to change makes me want to kill their children in front of them. Its a nearsighted big business money over all else fuck the world mentality that really gets under my skin. Its probably the main reason I want to throw Bush out of the White House and into a building filled with rabid sharks. The way he ignores and downplays fact for his own fiction just pisses me the fuck off.

It would hurt the fucking economy. A) No, get your head out of your ass and open your shit crusted eyes, it would hurt some businesses and help others, its the way things go. B) What the fuck does it matter? Its like saying we don't need national health care because it would hurt the HMOs. FUCK THEM. And fuck the big oil companies, we need them to die, we can't afford to have them anally raping us anymore.
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