
Jan 28, 2009 18:51

its great when things click together.

In monday's chinese history lecture, there was this guy in front who couldn't stop raising his hand.  He must have felt that the professor's questions were an invitation for him to blurt out somewhat excessively detailed answers.  Each time he spoke, I noticed a different detail about him: the long black hair, fast and high-pitched speech, academic decathlon sweater, and as the lecture went on, the reserved chuckles from the rest of the class each time they heard his voice.  At the end of the lecture he reached his highest point by summarizing the entire lecture at the professor's question in a rude, superficial way. (calling southern chinese people "panzi's"...  (hey buddy! excuse you!) ).

Today he was more reserved.  Then I realized:

Excessively detailed (bordering trivial) answers...

superficial summarizing...

smart alecky tone...

Academic Decathlon sweater...


The ACADEC theme in 2007 was CHINA!  (Click!)

And surprisingly with this realization came a sudden peace and understanding.  This guy might not even know that his constant answering was ...ahem.... obnoxious.  Because I also remember what it was like to memorize all those use-(less)-ful? facts, events, and stories.

Now, I'm going to watch Click with Adam Sandler, just because the movie title matches my title. :P
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