Oct 30, 2004 11:37
1)What am I to you?
2)How close are we, on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the closest and 1 being the complete opposite?
3)What song reminds you of me?
4)If you could dedicate a song to me, what would it be? (post lyrics below)
5)What do you admire most about me?
6)What is something that I can do, that you wish you could do?
7)Have you ever seen me cry?
8)If you could offer me one piece of advice, what would it be?
9)When was the last time you thought about me?
10) If money were not an issue, what would you get me for my birthday?
11) Have you ever disappointed me?
12) Have I ever disappointed you?
13) Have I ever made you proud?
14) Have you ever missed me?
15) Do we see each other as often as we should?
16) Do we talk as often as we should?
17) What would you want the rest of the world to know about me?
18) Will you do me this favor, and call or email 3 people that you have lost touch with?
19) Will you post this in your journal for me to answer?
20) Did you like this quiz?