Feb 07, 2008 22:32
18 weeks since last I updated this. . .
not that anyone cares to read this journal anymore...but I'm gonna write here anyway...
well, life's going pretty ok for me right now....
Finally got a job that pays ok and has good hours for the rest of my schedule.
I go to school pretty much all day on monday and wednesday, and work at the S.A.F.E. after school program on tuesdays, thursdays and fridays.
At my job I am a subsitute classroom activity specialist, which means that I sub for the people who are permanently at a given school. I get tossed around between all the schools, where ever they need me to be is where I work for the day.
it's not hard though, I just have to watch the kids, help with homework, do different sports, activities, crafts and games with them for about 3 hours after school then I get to go home.
Right now I'm taking a history of east asia from 1600 class, Music Fundamentals (really easy and I'm learning to read music from that one), then English 101 (freshman composition) and lastly....Math 90 (elementary algebra, yes I tested into that cuz I suck at math)
I'm getting over a cold that I've had for the past week but since I just went to visit Lizzy who is still sick, my cold will probably be back with a vengeance! *joyous movements*
oh btw, I'll be using my aim, msn and now Yahoo! accounts much more now that my prepaid time has run out on WoW. I probably won't be playing any online games for a long time since I actually get stuff that I need to done when I'm not addicted to some game.
my aim is psychohoudi or montblancmalheur
msn= nelo8900@hotmail.com
Anyways....idk what else to write about...
Hope to talk to whoever reads this soon.
~Danny M.