Slartibartfast 5.1

Dec 05, 2009 15:54

Previously there was, of course, more death and ghost spookings, some causing said deaths. A lot of crazy, let's lose our marbles all over the place, as per usual in this house. AND! An alien abduction for our dearest Aisling, resulting quite the cute pair of green babies, Ambrosia and Lunabell.

Then we left you with Aisling running off and leaving her newly born infants alone, out in the cold. Where did she go and what was more important than the babies well being?

This. There she be, making her bed whilst her youngster's are out on the cold concrete being watched by a telescope. Told you, you all thought I was kidding didn't you? Lol har.

Oh what's this? Uncle Braden to the rescue! Well for little Ambrosia anyway.

And frozen gramma Bettina has little Lunabelle under her safe control. Good thing for relatives lol. Cold or otherwise, ha.

Oh yeah, miss Aisling got a job as a cop. Something she's always wanted to do, be in law enforcement? Sure, it was a 'want' of hers anyway, and she got what she asked for. Pretty dang smexy member of the popo she is too! Y/Y?

Awww crap, there goes Bettina. Guess she won't get to see Braden bring any bebes into the family. Ah well, suppose she will get her kicks some way or another, you know spooking folks an such. Yeah, like you actually believe that won't happen.

Great. There goes Bobo too :/ I think maybe they should get a fish tank or something ...easier to deal with.

With everyone dying off and poor Braden left to tend to his sisters spawn while she works (and sleeps), I thought it might be handy, and hopefully useful, to hire a Nanny.

Hmmm maybe getting that nanny mod would be a good idea, I don't know. *Thinks* You know what would be wicked awesome? If we could have crusty old Mrs.Crumplebottom as a baby "watcher", that'd be hilarious! *Wishes*

Braden heads out to the cafe, now that he can take a break from baby duties, and meets this lovely straight away, Julie. (I downloaded & installed a shit tonne of sims from LL30 and townied them, in the hopes that of course someone would meet them and possibly procreate, haha). Julie is a great breeding specimen I think! We'll see who else pops up & how these two get along.

*We make him leave though right after, soz not to have game crashing occur. He can call her later...

Oh for christs' sake, thank you Ronroneo, you crusty ass dead cat. Yep Braden that would be your pulse ceasing to, well pulse :/

Don't worry though, big sis Aisling is there to save you, or at least bloody well try to...

(Nevermind that she's half in the chair, lol to decorating off the grid)

Woot! Success! ...Phew. Kinda would like him to stick around eh. At least until he can have some love and babies, okay? Thanks much.

Yesh, again...

And once again, success.

"What? A hug? I don't want a hug... Don't touch me please."

Well that's real nice, love him enough to save his ass twice. But not enough to give him a hug. shit woman, he's grateful, accept it.

And with that callousness, we have some birthdays! First up wee little Lunabelle!

Pretty fricken cute yesh? Just look at those big ole gorgeous eyes!

And of course next is Ambrosia...

Cuuuteee, lookit those cheeks!

Okay now Braden, get to finding some lady to have some of your own heh.

Oooh, another pretty lady from LL30, Braden should totally get out of bed and go greet her. Lucky duck, when the ladies just wander on into your yard randomly lol. Her name is Lily by the way.

Such a good little simmie boy, doing as I tell you to lol. She is some purdy though, wonder what their spawn would look like, her face being so much more different than his. Dearest Braden don't let her leave to quickly okay?

Lol she looks a little evil wouldn't you say? Haha. *Plots* This could be interesting yesh? Yesh, I think it will be. Hopefully she doesn't disappoint.

Well she can't be that evil, taking out the trash to the compost bin after Aisling decided to dump it on the kitchen/dining floor in favour of picking up a stanky rotten baby bottle instead. Evil/Nice? Who knows yet, it's anyone's guess I suppose at this point.

Happy musically inclined tot, little Ambrosia is. Completely happy to tinker away on that xylophone not even remotely caring that she is surrounded by stanky green smouldering rotten milk bottles. Lol cute.

Such a lovely mess Aisling gets to come home from work to. A broken sink, thanks to Lily,, a sparking, smoking trash can. AND rotten baby bottles, that the Nanny failed to clean up after, all over the place. Oh yesh, lovely indeed.

Good thing she's a tinkerer though...

Well that should make the dirt hole she's about to walk into a little less aggravating lol. Promotions and large chunks of cash tend to ease tensions some me thinks.

Moar musical tot spam! Yesh I like their little faces while playing with that thing. They are trés cute, plus they always look like they're just having a blast doing it. So spam is what you get =P

Sure fire way into a girls heart, grilled cheese? Yeah let's think so, good idea.

Oh crap! Guess Aislings not as handy as we thought, well not when it comes to electrical things anyway.

Awww how very charming, in the bathroom. Lol Lily seems to appreciate it... Oh love how you work in mysterious ways.

Lol, don't you think bathing is in order? You know you're all burnt and sooty, reading on your light coloured bedding probably isn't the best of ideas.

Random tot and pink talking bunny head snap. Lol ha.

Oh yesh, he's damn fine, all foamed up with toothpaste, brushing his teeth. Whatever makes you heartfart lady, whatever makes you...

She's pretty dang good with the littluns too, I forget what her aspiration and such are. When townifying them all I just chose a random, lol she could be anything ha. Her and Braden have two bolts though, so that's a pretty good start.

Really they're getting a little disgustingly sweet, can't take much more I think, teeth are seriously going to start falling out here people. Har.

On an aside, don't you think she looks a little like Neve Campbell? I think so, there is a definite resemblance.

See, as long as it's not electrical she's fine. Looks to be quite easy for her when plumbing is involved lol.

Oh that's real nice, ewww. Someone pick that man, it's contaminating the house, seriously gross. Good job whomever dumped that there, you know, with the garbage can just a mere few feet away. Pffft neat sims, where'd they go?


It's that time again, birthdays! First up, Lunabelle, again. She's turned out quite interesting. I really don't like that hair do much. Nope can't say that I do.

Oops, a little interruption from these two, they finally got past the sickeningly sweet stuff and got dirty instead. Lol!

Not ready for the ole move in yet though it seems... Well you better hurry up and change your mind lady. Braden be needing to make some babies before it's too late.

And back to our scheduled programming, miss Ambrosia has become a child. Pretty fricken cute I must say, although I don't think I like this hair much either. Yep, makeovers for the girls. Definitely.

Oh and Braden really needs to get a move on with the ole procreating, seriously. His babies are going to be so far behind these two.

There we go. She accepted his proposal of moving in. Whew!

Miss Lily Rutherford:

Popularity/Knowledge - Aries
LTW: Become Media Magnate
Turn Ons: Buff hard working men.
Turn Off: Unders. Lol don't be prancing around in your skivies with her.
Hobby: Music & Dance

Um dearest Lily, why wouldn't you just use the tub? You were already in the bathroom, what is the point exactly, to coming out to the kitchen to bathe yourself? You're not an exhibitionist or anything, that much is certain... everyone was kicked out of the room. Odd little lady, just odd.

Another new townie friend, Aisling brought this one home from work with her today. He's pretty neat, and well thought Belladonna Cove could use some spicing up. You know, some not exactly human types roaming about. Groovy times indeed.

Oh yesh, the girls makeovers; Ambrosia with the bear, much better suited hair yesh?

And little Lunabelle eating some oh so sparkley spaghetti, much cuter with her new style.

Having fun? Overheating yourself bouncin' around on the furniture? Lol have at'er, just remember to stop before the nasty social worker comes eh.

Good stuff, not that "showing off" really helps with the heat issue, but whatever, knock your socks off.

Ooh ooh what's this?! Is there Braden and Lily spawn on the way? Oh yesh I believe there is, woot! It's about damn time. Geezus. Bring on the babies!

Yep, pretty positive the answer is a yes my dear. Two trips to the throne is a good indicator. Although one is generally plenty lol.

Homework party! Lol.

I hate how dresses look when they sit down cross legged. But meh, nothing I can do about it, so disregarde Ambrosias big pink mass with her little knees sticking out. Focus on zee faces! =P

Well would you look at that, a baby bump. Loverly unders by the way there Lily. Simply loverly lol.

Yep the call from the beach is still quite strong around these parts. Really who could resist the urge to go sit out there in your preggo unders and watch such a picturesque view. At least it's actually summer for once lol and not bloody freezing out on the sandy banks of their backyard.

So cute in their matching little soccer uniforms doing a little ballet together. Matchy match twins har.

And the pregnant Lily likes to rock out, now that she has discovered the base tucked upstairs in the 'entertainment/creative' room in the house. Such a blast she is having it looks like, so srs business about it too.

What, or who, pray tell are you angry about? Hmmm random hatred is random.

Already? Geezus, time sure is flying now. This baby is coming, and fast!

And with that, we'll leave you with this oh so lovely picture of the happy parents to be out on the front lawn cuddling under the stars. Where Lily clearly prefers to be in her unders most of the time. Hmmm maybe she is a bit of an exhibitionist.


Next time, babies will be born! Stay tuned to see the outcome.

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