Dec 10, 2006 20:39
alex left today just after lunch. he packed his huge duffel bag, we all hugged him goodbye in the kitchen and then ran to the terrace to watch him walk to the train station on his way to amsterdam. we yelled, cheered, called out his name. all the people below thought we were ridiculous.
i burst into tears when he hugged me, he kissed me on the forehead and told me we´d see each other again.
we didn´t go to class today, i ran errands and he packed. all he left in his room was an old pair of basketball shoes, peanut butter, his grammar book and a postcard from a hostel he said i should stay in when i´m in rome.
before lunch we laid down in his bed and talked about how much we´re going to miss each other. he told me i´m his soul mate. i haven´t had a friend like him since jacko--just a really great, platonic guy friend.
alex was my best friend here. we got along well, both love radiohead (and all the same music, but radiohead is crucial) and both love pani agua. i´ve decided i´m going to write a short story about pani agua when i get home. alex knew how i worked. he knows what i need, that i crave affection and doesn´t criticize me for it. he could see right through me, too.
this week was strange, too fast. i didn´t even have time to get over my breakup with damien because the next day i had finals, found out i was moving to NYC and now i´m leaving salamanca.
i´ve been going out every night since finals were done. i´m exhausted, a mess. i think i´m partying my brains out so i can´t think about the emptiness that will set upon me when i get home.
i was fine, i am fine, but sometimes i´ll walk through the plaza and burst into tears. he just stopped caring. what did i do? what could i have done better? but then i realize that there´s so much more to my life right now than damien. it´s his loss that he stopped loving him.
so i can have a love life again, now that i don´t have a boyfriend. i met hugo, this italian architecture master´s student at luuc´s on tuesday night, €1 drink hour. he took a picture, we talked and didn´t kiss. the next day we got batidos and he came over and prepped me for italy. nane had made her horrible pizza and he laughed. he´s from naples, it´s where pizza was invented. nicole was fighting on the phone with her ex-boyfriend and threw the pizza out of the window just as javie was walking by.
i went to the irish rover, finally. free t-shirts, too many americans, beer. then we went to pani agua, again. hugo was there. he came home with me, but i was so trashed, giggly and tired that i fell asleep while kissing him.
boys really don´t mean anything to me right now, fuck them, but there´s also david. david is this beautiful specimen of man. the sexiest shoulders i´ve ever seen--i think he turned me into a shoulder woman. great neck. so sweet. his breath always tastes like magic, no matter what time of the day it is. his lips are amazing and he sort of has a mullet and it´s so sexy. i could definitely fall for him, but i´m leaving in a few days anyway.
i love that i can only speak spanish with them. it´s great. although... i think i accidentally told david he had the greatest chicken i´d ever seen, instead of penis. (pollo, chicken, polla, penis.)
i can´t believe i leave for italy tomorrow.