Torchwood: Children of Earth Notes - "Day One"

Jul 07, 2009 21:07

Hello! So this is somewhat of a reaction post to the first installment of Children of Earth, more of these will follow as we progress through the week I'm sure.

+ Jack and Ianto being all coupley is sooo cute! *loves them*

+ Rhys is smart figuring out that someone was watching England specifically, good call!

+ Government guys need to die, seriously!

+ Dude I liked Doctor guy! He was cute and I thought he could have been our new recruit! but then he got all fail whaley and he's most likely dead now ;_;

+ So Jack has a daughter and grandson and Ianto has a sister and a niece and nephew (Their scenes with their families I thought were just awesome.)

+ 456, is that our aliens' name? Not real impressive is it? And Dude what is up with these government guys huh? Especially that chick, OMG I hate her D:

+ ROFL, the Torchwood Van got nicked.

+ Gwen is pregnant! Yaaay!

+ Noooo that bitch put a bomb in Jack's stomach! Nooo!

+ Janto kissies are awesome!

Icons to come and another post on this subject tomorrow!


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