RPG Meme

Jan 05, 2009 20:42

I'm bored and after talking to a friend this evening nostalgic for the old days so lets do a meme. Ganked from ohhfantastic

Years roleplaying: All up? I'm gonna say about five years, during that time I've played in fandom games that have revolved around Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed and Heroes.
Least favourite character? I don't really think I have a least favourite, I've loved all the characters I've played.
Male or female characters? Female, definitely. I'm a girl, I play boys badly.
Oldest character played? Beth (The Dark Ages) was an immortal, like Highlander immortal. She was 125 I think, it's been a long time since I've played her.
Longest character played? Probably Beth, if not then Heidi Petrelli (String Theory)
Newest character? Celeste Mecurio (Electus Trucido), A lawyer for Wolfram & Hart.

Which character of yours would be most likely to...
Jump off a bridge? Simon & Monty Petrelli (String Theory) in our Heroes RPG we aged the boys up so they were teenagers, both have powers that branch off of their fathers; Monty can control the air while Simon controls gravity.
Get drunk and pass out? Um...pass.
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way? Beth, see immortal and maybe Sarah (String Theory) she kind of had Tracy's ability where she can control water/freeze things.
Be far too hyper for their own good? Definitely Sarah Walker and Monty Petrelli
Be raped? Okay for me, rape storylines are just not on, I know some people think they're good but they're really not. Gosh come on, grow up people.
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions? Pass
Get lung cancer? Uh, none. My characters are very responsible, never smoke, hardly ever drink I in general play good guys. God, I am so boring.
Star in a horror movie? Pass, I don't watch horror movies, I hardly think my characters would star in them.
Star in a whore movie? Pass again.
Star in a video game? Sarah Walker
Make the world a better place? Heidi Petrelli
Have a torrid gay love affair? Well I have a lesbian, Jessie but if I had to do like slashy boy gayness, I would have to say Will Yates.

Relate each word to a character of yours:
Love - Heidi Petrelli, Christy Kennedy, Sarah Walker, Monty Petrelli.
Hate - Pass.
Money - You assume my characters are really rich or something? No, none of them have any real wealth except in the future the Petrellis are first family so I guess they had a bit of money.
Seduction - I'm not good in the art of seduction, pass.
Lies - Pass, mine are honest sorts
Tragedy - Christy Kennedy
Manipulation - Pass.
Violence - I try not to do violence.
Politics - Heidi Petrelli
Fire - Pass.
Ice - Sarah Walker

Would you ever...
Play a prostitute? Nope, can't say that I would.
Play a musician? Possibly, maybe the younger ones dabble in music.
Play a pilot? Probably not
Play a homosexual? Jessie (lesbians count right?)
Play a pedophile? NO!
Play a politician? Heidi is a Politician's Wife, we'll leave it at that.
Create a character for the sole purpose of smut? Oh hell no, I think I ten to write smut badly so any character made for that purpose would suffer in my hands.
Play a character who commits incest? NO! Incest is bad!

PBs Mentioned in this meme include:
Beth Stephens - Tiffani Thiessen
Heidi Petrelli - Rena Sofer
Simon Petrelli - Jake Richardson
Monty Petrelli - Mitchel Musso
Sarah Walker - Miley Cyrus
William Yates - David Tennant
Christy Kennedy - Katie Cassidy
Jessie McCabe - Laura Vandervoort
Celeste Mercurio - Olga Kurylenko

meme, rpgs

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