Covert Affairs 1x09 - "Fool in the Rain" and other things

Sep 09, 2010 22:51

We only have two weeks of this left ;_; I'm told the episode is good though so let's watch.

So what happened last week? Ben came back and was a douche. The end.

+Your guys spent six hours analysing that, really?
+ Don't put it back in the draw Annie, burn it!
+ Heee Annie in the bathtub :D
+ Upset Danielle D:
+ Heee Niagra Falls baby!
+ Ugh Liza, go die in a fire.
+ Shirtless Auggie again! Yay!
+ Hehehe Joan and Arthur in marriage counselling.
+ *snuggles Joan*
+ You suuuck Arthur. Arthur sucks.
+ loving the scenery in this episode.
+ Your sister thinks you're weird now, Annie.
+ Ooooh this is going to be so much fun for you Annie, I can tell.
+ Hai Jai! *waves*
+ Hehehe Danielle is awesome.
+ Lolol 'let's go sight seeing!!'
+ I kind of don't care for the Ben flashbacks.
+ You saw on Facebook?! What the hell?
+ Aww they're playins skeeball. :D
+ Oh no, Arthur knows about Auggie and Liza.
+ Wooo Arthur and Auggie working a con on Liza.
+ Dani and Annie (Seriously, who gives their kids rhyming names?) In bikinis :D
+ Joan is upset because she's lost her Auggie D:
+ Oh no! Ya ya's girlfriend is fake!
+ Damnit Annie, learn karate or something. If you're not going to carry a gun you should at least be able to do something.
+ Aww huggies!
+ Awww Dani and Michael loove &hearts
+ Soo Liza knew Auggie was lying, interesting.
+ Oooooh yeeeah Ben and Jai, it was a thing.
+ YAY Annie! Burn that paper!

I had surprisingly less to say about that episode than I usually do, eh maybe more interesting stuff needs to happen.

Other stuff that needs mentioning:

+ I got The Sims 3 last week. *totally caved* It's interesting :D
+ White Collar is over until January ;_;
+ I liked Hellcats and will continue to watch it :D
+ I'm now the maintainer of daily_miley Go there now! *commands*
+ I need to catch up on my iconning, so behind D:

notes, hellcats, the sims 3, covert affairs, crazy mad promoting stuff time!

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