30 Day Tv Meme

Jul 11, 2010 11:33

HAHAHAHA You thought I gave up didn't you?! I didn't give up! This question though, it's freaking hard, favourite male character seriously? You want just one? No, I will not conform! I shall do a bunch of my favourite males. Now this isn't everyone but still, a good few.

Barney Stinson - He's just ledgen-wait for it-dary. Sure he can be a sleaze and his only aim in life is to bed every woman under the sun but he has a creative way of doing it (See the one where he told that girl he was a time traveller...and it worked!) and sometimes he can be a sweetie.

Chuck Bartowski - I love his character, he's just an ordinary every day guy working in a low paying job and has a super computer in his head. The first couple of seasons he was a nerd, I loved that and in season 3 (Which starts on tv here in a couple of weeks) he gets a suave upgrade, must watch!

Clark Kent/Superman - He was the best really, best casting he really looks the part and yes another nerd (I like nerds!) when he's not being Mr. Super Hero. Lois and Clark was a pretty phenominal series which got ruined by having Lois and Clark get married, ugh.

Daniel Jackson - Aaaahhh my Daniel, the civillian doctor who got dragged into the world of egyptian mythology. He really was my favourite character on Stargate and when he ascended and disappeared for a couple seasons and I was like forget you show! *disowns* but thankfully he came back buff and awesome.

Nathan Petrelli - Okay this one, not a nerd but still he needs a mention. Nathan Petrelli my ill fated flyboy, I loved you baby even if the creators of Heroes didn't. With this one not only did they decide to kill him every season but they brought him back from the dead in one of the stupidest storylines ever and then kill him all over again. Bastards.

Noah Bennet - You know at first I didn't like Noah, I thought he was the bad guy but he grew on me and I found myself adoring him. That part where Mohinder shot him through the eye was just epic and Noah continued to get more epic from then on.

Peter Petrelli - What's that you say? I have a lot of Heroes boys on my list? Yes, yes I do. Peter was the cutest little emo puppy ever, from when we first saw him all the way through to the final season. When he's hurt, I'm sad, when he cries, I cry. I love him &hearts

Sam Beckett - Is awesome made out of awesomesauce, he was in every situation immaginable and he just buckled up and tried to get through it. (The episodes were he was a woman were so funny :D) He was always Mr. Caring, considerate, a real boy scout and the show had such an original premise, I loved it. The only thing I didn't love was the series ending, the majority of those end on a good note but this one didn't ;_;

The Tenth Doctor - He was so cute and goofy but at the same time he could be the emo-ist little thing that ever lived and others he was just plain crazy. The most notable of this was in the 'Waters Of Mars' as specials go, I didn't think it was that great but the ending wow he just got freaking DARK, it was epic.

Xander Harris - Ah Xander, my beloved. I'm not one of those people who originally saw Buffy from the beginning, I came in somewhere in season two but still Xander has always been my favourite, I cringed when I remember priest!caleb gouging his eye out. That. Bastard. Hurting my baby like that D:

Well there we go, a bunch of my favourite male characters. I have many more but I'm not gonna list them all, we'd be here forever.

I've been feeling so irrated/paranoid by everything lately. Irritated because I have an infected tooth/ulcer thingy and paranoid because I feel like I've done something wrong, only I don't know what it is, everything just feels...off.

Emmy nominations came out this week and Conan got nominated for the tonight show, heeee you fail Jay Leno, you fail like a faily thing.

I have to do homework today before I go back to class next week, boo...

random, meme, sick

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