Doctor Who Notes: 5x07 - "Amy's Choice"

May 16, 2010 23:48

Wheee Doctor Who Day!!

So last week the Doctor took Rory and Amy to Venice as a present and together they were BAMF and fought the fishy vampires.

+ Ahh the English countryside, so peaceful. And whee! Pregnant!Amy!
+ lolz, she's got a good set of lungs on her.
+ Hehehe Doctor landed in the flowerbed, fail.
+ The Doctor is quite oblivious, isn't he?
+ Town is like really, really quiet...
+ lol "You came here by mistake, didn't you?"
+ Really quiet.
+ Hehe Amy is checking her tummy and Rory's hair.
+ lolol Rory and the Doctor wake up head to head.
+ He threw the TARDIS manual into a supernove :D
+ Uh oh! The TARDIS died!!
+ Amy: "Can we not do the running thing?"
+ Who is this guy and how is he in our TARDIS without permission?
+ UH OH this isn't going to end well.
+ That guy is creeeepy.
+ *giggles* Jumper.
+ Hehehe doctors who know NOTHING!
+ Hehehe ponytails and bowties &hearts
+ Hmm we're around a cold star...that means something.
+ God, who is this guy? He is annoying the crap out of me!
+ All the kids have turned into sand Rory, are you high?
+ Doctor please, punch this guy!
+ Well who is he then?!
+ Yeah that's not gross at all.
+ Oh yes the doctor is Mr. Cool and drunk and stumbling over the street.
+ Competing over realities, aw.
+ I think Rory just had a brilliant idea, there is a TARDIS downstairs and I'm hoping he thinks they should be in it.
+ lol the Doctor going around in a van saving random people.
+ Oh god, is River really a dude? Is that who this is?
+ Oh no, please don't pick the Doctor over Rory, I'll be terribly sad if Rory were to die.
+ Rory, nooooooo!
+ EEEE car crash!!
+ Meanwhile the TARDIS is still frezing over nicely.
+ Rory is awake! Yaaaaaay!
+ Aww frozen hugs.
+ You're....going to blow up the TARDIS? That's logical.
+ And then we blew up the TARDIS, bye bye.
+ Psychic pollen? WTF?
+ Oh! That makes complete sense! Only it doesn't.
+ Yaaaaay fess up Amy! Tell Rory you loooove him!
+ Aww kissies!! See now I ship Amy/Eleven but I ship Amy/Rory just as much.

Next week! Aliens who kill people! Yay!

That was an interesting episode, my favourite part was Amy's revelation. She loves Rory, awww. But really, psychic pollen? Really?!

Eh, it's late. I'll do two days of the meme tomorrow.

notes, doctor who

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