Doctor Who Notes : 5x03 - "Victory of the Daleks"

Apr 18, 2010 10:26

Doctor Who day peeps!!

+ So basically, Winston Churchill's buddies just invented a bunch of daleks, coincidence? I think not!
+ Awww, Scared!Doctor &hearts
+ Now that's interesting, why doesn't Amy remember the Daleks? She was living in England at the time, surely.
+ Hehehe he calls her Ameila when she does something wrong.
+ The idea of gravity bubbles came to him in the bath, riiiiiight.
+ Ooooh he is really not happy with those daleks being there, not one bit.
+ You know if this Dalek really doesn't know what you're talking about (He probably does, but still) you're going to stand there and tell him how evil he is and he might get the idea that evil is fun and then their uprising will have been your fault!
+ The Doctor has anger management issues.
+ Did he fall into a parallel dimension when he wasn't looking?
+ Actually you didn't, Donna did. ILU Donna!!
+ Oh look the Dalek decided to join the conversation!
+ Oh Doctor, you've doomed us all.
+ The moon, where their friends are.
+ Shit is getting real now boy howdy.
+ Oh! Their 'Creator'was a robot, that's nice.
+ Why do these things keep living? Why aren't they all dead yet?
+ Did you really put a lock on your thing because you knew somewhere in history, the Doctor will randomly shout your name?
+ Yeah right, since when do you have a TARDIS self destruct? And why does it look like a jam cookie? because it is a jam cookie
+ YAAAAY Amy! I have no idea what she's on about, but she's enthusiatic!
+ See that? That is a bad noise.
+ Oh wow, a white dalek...and a lolz, colours of the rainbow daleks!!
+ 'The resurrection of the master race' Really he just got rid of them like a year ago. *sighs*
+ How much do you want a bet the new daleks are gonna say eff you guys and destroy the guys who brought them back? Oh and look, they did.
+ This now leaves the Doctor alone with the power ranger daleks. If I were him, I'd be wetting my pants right now.
+ Awww, they blew up. They probably didn't die but still, a victory is a victory.
+ Oh, Bracewell is a bomb? That's not good.
+ Aw, the Doctor likes humans &hearts
+ Hehe the Doctor hit him. He's not really a bomb, is he? I bet he's not. Oh! He is.
+ Serious scene is made less serious by Amy's legs, DAMN GIRL.
+ Aw, the doctor kissed her on the head &hearts
+ So the power ranger daleks eff off and the Doctor sceams at himself.
+ lol Churchill tried to take the TARDIS key.
+ Aww, we let Bracewell live, that's nice :D
+ Yes Amy, you should have remembered them and you didn't. Why?
+ Because in the wall behind were the TARDIS was there is another effing crack! :o Now either that is a real big coincidence or it's following Amy...

Next week:

+UUUUUGGGGHHH my nemesis River Song with blonde hair! I hate that bitch sooo much, dear god. D:
+ Eff yeah! Stone angels!! \o/ Plz one of them look at River.

Well, I go back to class tomorrow. I suppose I should attempt at least some homework.

notes, doctor who

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