I've been pretty much sleeping all afternoon, waking up early does not agree with me at all! Nonetheless we are here and we're going to watch Heroes, hopefully it's not too awful....
Before we start though, lol that my review last week, the week before inspired fic. lolz more at the fact that two people on my friend's list *eyes
lemomina and
di_elle* preferred to read my review than watch the actual show :D
What happend last week? Well Peter broke Emma's cello, the boys broke out of Arkham and found themselves in Noah's apartment right before he was about to get it on with Lauren (Seriously, thank you for the interruption guys!) There was no Sylar and barely any Claire making it one of the best eps so far \o/
Sylar needs to bug off, yeah I said it.
Hehehe previouslies have Noah saying obssessed. I like when Noah says that.
Aw, Gretchen that's sweet. Almost makes me forget what a creepy stalker you are.
Hi creepy Sylar! That's very creepy of you. I have a feeling I should rename this episode the creepy episode. Super lol that it's name is Pass/Fail, because of this let's grade it on it's pass/failyness. STFU failyness is a word.
Lolz see just from that exchange I ship Sylar/Gretchen more than I ever would Sylar/Claire.
Aww the boys are still at Noah's place, I bet they had a fun sleepover.
Which girl did you break a promise to? Mira? Cuz I can think of another certain someone who is lost to the ages...
Oh noes, Hiro fainted!
HELLO ADAM YOU SEXY SON OF A BITCH. This right here is the reason I am iconning this episode.
Lolz, Kaito passing down a death sentence bitches. This just got interesting, I love me a courtroom drama.
*snicker* Professor Sylar.
Oh Vanessa you poor thing, you're still here. Wherever here is...
You are a creepy, creepy man Samuel.
She's too good for the likes of you Samuel.
Did they go to Peter's hospital? Did they?
Oh god, Ando is your lawyer? You're doomed.
Ewwww Destiny is sick, yo.
I do actually like the outfit Sylar is wearing here, it's quite nice.
Aw damnit, you're ticking. I like when you tick!
LOLZ oh god, do I have to sit through this? Can't I just skip this class and move back to English? (meaning Adam)
At least her dad kills with good intentions, yours was just a tool.
Why are we still in the same room as this man? *shakes head*
Ow, bitch throwing her against furniture.
My question would be why am I supposed to help you? What have you ever done that makes you even think I would help you?
Hehehe the look on her face.
Randomly this is a college, people. Shouldn't there be students and teachers all over the place? WHY ARE NONE OF THEM HERE?!
This is me closing my eyes and EWing. Much like last's week's Vader no, this is like EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW times infinity.
Oh good, they cut away. YAAAAY.
Samuel, still a creepy bastard even with strawberry milkshakes. I'll write again when something interesting happens.
lolz, when Vanessa did that hit of fondess thing who else thought yeah penis size, was it just me?
Why does samuel need a chick? Wasn't he being awesome without one? Wasn't he totally flirting with Emma? Isn't he totally secretly in love with Lydia?
Back at the hospital, Ando worries about Hiro. Truthfully I would too.
Mmmm Adam speaking Japanese.
This will not end well for you Hiro.
OMG Adam, you're so strikingly handsome :D
Lololol you're calling Sylar to the stand? You sneaky bastard.
Please stop talking, please?
Is the one thing you wanna say back off you creepy stalker? You need to say that to a lot of people, Claire.
Hehehehehe Sylar screams like a girl.
Adam and Sylar should have done the world domination thing together, they really should have.
Hehehe Willy Nilly!
That is not a flattering light for you Kaito, you look zombie-ish.
Speaking of zombies, OMG! Dead!Jackie!
OMG Sylar death list! Whee! I'm glad Sylar remembers these people, NO ONE ELSE DOES!
Are you really calling her, is she really there?
You son of bitch, you're an awesome son of a bitch though, ilu &hearts
BRB snoring though the mess that is Samuel/Vanessa.
Oh god, I'm dying. Has court finished it's recess yet?
She is going to say no, you dickhead.
Vanessa by herself is kind of awesome but this is obviously going to piss Samuel off hardcore. Careful Vanessa, he'll lock you away in time too.
Run Claire, run!
Aw, they're having a nice hug &hearts
The lights going out is probably not a good thing though.
Ooooh explosionz!
You go into a dark, creepy room? Are you kidding me?
Pft, walls. You're listening to him now?
This scene with Gretchen is kind of cute &hearts
Gretchen is smartz! Oh well that explains why, she's not really Gretchen.
Aw more hugs!
Actually sort of cute, yes.
You're the creepiest guy in the entire universe, Sylar.
Hehehe Ando is having a problem finding a credible witness.
Lolz, Hiro watches Law & Order.
Are you gonna mention that your father was murdered by the prosecutor?
OMG Hiro is reciting word for word Quantum Leap (I should know, I had a Quantum Leap marathon a couple of weeks back)
Ooooh Hiro's dying :O
Adam I love you, so much.
Swordfights! Squee!!
Not gonna lie, totally going for Adam.
AAAAAH NO! But at the same time, it's how he should have died originally and not at the hand of that bitch Arthur Petrelli.
Aw, it's his mum. She's very blurry though.
She's pretty &hearts
Aww! She's gonna heal him \o/
Poor Samuel, he has gone off the deep end alright, this cute girl's diner is gonna get leveled.
Yes Samuel, you are very scary. Leave her alone!
So it was Vanessa's rejection that turned him into a homicidal loon pft, he was one already.
Lydia! Help us!
Your happy wonderland valley is breaking up Samuel. You fail.
So Vanessa gets to go home without the knowledge of the wrath she just unleashed upon the world and Claire and Gretchen talk by candlelight because not even dorms have good lighting D:
Hiro remains alive, Janice....opens the door to Sylar (That is not gonna end well) but lolz the look on his face, he remembers he did her that one time.
Lolz, hell yeah you've met Janice.
First, we're going to talk about some key points I liked, then we're gonna rant about other things.
+ This episode was kind of odd, you see how comfortable Claire and Gretchen were towards the end? Hell even that part when she was Sylar, they actually had good chemisty there. This is what their relationship should have been all along, not that creepy sort of stalkery thing Gretchen had going for her in the beginning.
+ Adam Monroe is a hot bastard.
+ Claire stuck a pencil in Sylar's eye! In his eye!
And now, the bad rant.
+ WTF SAMUEL? All this, your grand plan was about a girl? A girl who let's face it was never gonna say yes to you. You've known her since you were kids man, if she hasn't said yes now she's probably never going to and because of this sudden rejection (Which wasn't really that sudden) You flip, you get your earth crumblyness on and you destroy your pretty little carnie utopia? You sir fail, so much.
+ Sylar/Claire argh, it wasn't as bad as I imagined but still...
+ Samuel/Vanessa argh again, boring romantic stuff, I don't caaaaare...
+ Tonight's episode was about three bad guys:
Sylar - Wants not to die alone, love, a friend, a puppy.
Samuel - Wants not to die alone, love, a carnie utopia
Adam - Really just wants to eff your shit up from beyond the grave.
Guess which one of these guys I love? What was that? Yes, Adam Monroe is my hero &hearts