
Dec 08, 2009 22:08

*wriggles toes*

+ Everyone who sent me a Christmas snowflake cookie, ILU!! *smoochyloveyhuggies* But fail LJ for taking it down before I could send out snowflakes to my peeps, I have no internet monies, I'm sad now ;_; If you maybe wanted a snowflake from me, I could give it to you in icon form? Sure request something!

+ I'm behind on my iconning, bleh I have Heroes and about three weeks of Glee to do but since we've gone into hiatus, I'll be able to catch up.

+ I wrote fic!! YAAAY! It is however the crackiest fic in Crackdom, I might have gone a wee bit insane from writing it *insane super villain laugh* Oh? You wanna read it? Sure, it's over here!

+ Let's see...what else? White Collar is awesome and now my shows are on hiatus I might be able to catch up on some of the shows I've been neglecting.

tv, random, quiet fic, christmas

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