Reaction Post: Glee: 1x05 - " The Rhodes Not Taken"

Oct 01, 2009 12:59

Let's step outside our Heroes review bubble and write something about Glee!!

+ I love April! She's so cute even if she's drunk most of the time.

+ Finn being all sweet to Rachel makes for good Finn/Rachel goodness, yes it does *nodnod*

+ Sandy making the Rachel kitty cry! DDDD: And Will too when he said April was going to do Can't Stop Believing.

+ Good god, Terri annoys me but yay, I think Will is cottoning on that she's not really pregnant, no morning sickness! Woo! (They're not really gonna go through with the Terri/Quinn baby thing are they? Cuz ew >.<)

+ Kurt showing up to school drunk, OMG EPIC! And calling Emma Bambi and throwing up on her &hearts

+ Will/April, I would so ship that if I wasn't a die hard Will/Emma fan. Did you see that bit earlier where he mentioned to Emma that Quinn was pregnant? All 'Can you keep a secret?' being all whispery and close like that :D

+ Rachel and Finn's cute bowling date is cute.

+ So much of this episode needs to be iconned, yes it does.

+ Puck share's Dean Winchester's take on Bert and Ernie &hearts and yay him, holding a guitar all sexy-like.

+ And because Puck likes being the centre of attention, he just told everyone at Glee about Quinn's condition.

+ I don't like Rachel's pink jacket D: Aw, Rachel came back and nobody cared.

+ Aw Finn, you're so cute! ILU!

+ Hehehe Rachel slapping him.

+ I've got to say I'm loving the cowboy costumes, please let there be a close up of Finn, please!

+ Rachel decided to be a team player! YAAAY!

+ Their blue outfits are really gorgeous also!


This show can never not be awesome, I love it. Aww, mood theme love!

reaction post, glee

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