The Lord of the Rings: Battle!

Feb 25, 2015 15:24

The lord of the Rings is my favorite trilogy, but is a long time since i don't create icons on these movies.
So, what better way to make some icons than a battle? :)
I'd really like to have 4 battle partners, no more.
If you are interested, you can sign up here!

** RULES **

10 icons ⇒ 5 caps + 5 themes

- you have to make 10 icons total
- outside images (in caps category) are allowed as long the provided caps are visibile
- icons must fit LJ standards (100x100, 40kb or less, jpeg, png, gif)
- animations are allowed
- deadline: March 18th


01. hitsuga
cap: click ; theme: original background
02. scoobyatemysnax
cap: click ; theme: soft
03. theladymorgan
cap: click ; theme: blocking
04. starkwars
cap: click ; theme: gradient
05. gallicka
cap: click ; theme: painted style


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