Dec 01, 2004 17:59
My life since Saturday
Saturday: Went to Lizzy's around 12 (<3) then we went to Dickens for a bit. Lizzy decided to sign me up to work it next weekend. So yeah, had fun there. Then we went to Lizzy's and just chilled and slept. Watched some movies and stuff. I felt bad, because we were sitting on the bed and me and Lizzy accidentally fell off the bed and she hurt her neck. Then like 20mins after my parental unit came and picked me up.
Sunday: Woke up like at 10 to TRY to go to church. Yeah, didnt work out all that well. Tried to go to the bathroom and while I was in there, I puked three times and then after I was done, I passed out. My mommy took my temperature and it was like 102.2 degrees. Wasnt fun. So all I did was sleep and drink a shit load of H2O because I was dehidrated.
Monday: Umm, had to go to school, even though I didnt want to. Felt like shit. Didnt do anything. I didnt even eat. It sucked
Tuesday :Went to school with a splitting headache and just didnt do anything cept just went to school. Saw Lizzy (<3) and Pete like always before school started. Like by 5th hour I was feeling better and then after school; me, pete, roy, and josh went to go take a look at Roy's "new trucK". Yeah, didnt start at all. Come to find out (at like the last 5 mins) that the trans-mounts were loose so thats why it wasn't starting. SO taht was fun. Oh yeah, Roy and Aj were going to get into a lil scuffle during lunch. We had like 20 people on our side and Aj had like 4. It was so funny. He wasnt scared of Roy but he told somebody that he was scared of me. Ha
Wednesday (today): Same ol' Same ol'. Saw Lizzy as usual (<3), but pete wasn't there. He had the flu. School was boring as usual. Felt better. Thats all
I Love Lizzy!