These pipes.... are clean!!!!

Dec 14, 2006 09:15

Three things I enjoyed yesteday:

1) World of Warcraft

2) The company of cool people.

3) Three coney islands from National...

While on the subject of WoW, I have this bizarre idea floating around my head lately: Starting a hardcore PvP guild. I couldn't do it on my current server, which is an RP server, 'cuz the name wouldn't be very RP-ish... The guild would be named The First Church of Homsar. We would all have featurless blue tabards and start every sentence with, "WaAaAaAaAaAa", with some nonsense added in after that.

*Shrug* I dunno.... it's the best idea I've come up with thus far....

I spent ALL DAY yesterday in a training session (company-mandated, mind you) for MS Outlook, which basically everybody in my whole friggin' company already knows how to use. So, I got ZERO work done, which I'm trying to recover from TODAY. But hey! I can now use *E-STICKY-NOTES* properly! Huzzah!!!!

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