First post from clemson

Aug 22, 2005 00:50

my first post from college! clemson is pretty swell, this whole college is still really weird though. like em says, its like we're at some summer camp we're you like do little get to know you games and meet lots of new ppl real fast and eat in a cafeteria. crazy.

so saturday was the big move-in day. friday night my parents took me out to dinner (bahama breeze) lance came w/ us and greg and kristen came too. it was good food. then lance, me, greg and kristen went to discover mills to see a movie. umm we saw uhh i cant remmeber...o yea red eye. yea not the greatest movie ever, but racheal mcadams is awesome. lol it was kind of amusing at some parts. lance stayed the night and helped me get packed and stuff.

saturday we left around 10ish for clemson. got here and went up to our room. lance and my dad lofted mine and em's beds (she came later). that was interesting. we got the room all rearranged and my side done by the time em got here. while she set up me and lance and my parents went to walmart to get some last minute stuff and went to cici's to eat. came back to the dorm, put stuff away and then my parents and lance left. it was sad...prettty surreal. i miss my family, and i miss lance :-(.

but things here are good. our suite mates, emily and audrey, are sooo awesome. they are so nice and super fun. back up a little...after my parents and lance left we went over to linds' apartment (which is awesome btw). we came back and talked to our sweet mates for a couple hours. then me and em talked for a long time. i went to bed at 2:30 and woke up at 8 andcouldnt get back to sleep...what the heck??

today we adventured out to anderson, after much detour we found walmart and did alot of damage. we came back ate some lunch w/emily. ran into walt at lunch. we went to get our mailboxes...haha em's makes me laugh. she has a combonation one w/ should all watch her try to open i love you em! we went to hendrix where they were selling all these posters. they were awesome! we bought a starry night poster and a beach one. o at walmart we bought this hilarous napoleon dynamite poster, like its impossible to look at and not at least chuckle, but of course me i bust.

tonight was random. they had this bowling thing around the corner from our dorm that we went to for a while. then, hahaha, they had this "midnight madness" at walmart and bi-lo. we cramed on buses and went to walmart. and inside this walmart was a dj, loud music, raffles going on, and college kids running all over the place. it was so random and insane and fun. now we're back in our dorms, exhausted.

got to talk to sarah on the phone and online today, lol we never talk on the phone and we've been best friends since 4th grade. its funny. lance got online today to talk to me, lol hemakes me laugh. i have the most awesome surprise for him, i bought it today. its AMAZING!

and i've been forgetting to tell u guys about my fish, Wet Willy Andruw. my dear friend jeff spotts came him to me. and he's super cool. he was a little tramatized at first, but now he's doing better. he was bulemic at first, he would only eat a little food and always spit it back out..weird. my fish has issues, but i love him.

ok so that was super long, whoa. but hope youguys are doing good. i miss all my GA pals. goodluck to my ga tech and perimeter friends who start school 2morrow! i love you guys!
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