TV Quiz (3-4 years later)

Mar 23, 2014 22:29

Pick your five favorite TV shows (in no particular order) and answer the following questions. Don’t cheat!

A. Skins

B. That 70's Show

C. Weeds

D. Supernatural

E. Misfists

1. Who’s your favorite character in B?

Hm. Hyde, but I'm starting to lean towards Eric.

2. Who’s your least favorite character in A?

I think Franky. She just got obnoxious in Season 6.

3. What’s your favorite episode of D?

A Very Supernatural Christmas. I kept crying over Sam and Dean's relationship in that episode, and the merry old Pagan's were hilarious.

4. What’s your favorite season of E?

Season 2, definitely.

5. Who is your favorite ship in C?

Andy/Nancy. I wish they could be a thing.

6. Who is your anti-ship in B?

Donna/Casey. Just ugh. (Keeping the same answer)

7. How long have you watched A?

The best 6 years of my life. XD

8. How did you become interested in C?

My sister watched it before I did, I thought it looked cool so I watched it myself. I'm still in the process of finishing it.

9. Who’s your favorite actor/actress in D?

Jared Padalecki, of course.

10. Which do you prefer: Show A or B or E?

They all win in different ways. Skins is just an amazing show that I've been watching since I was 14. That 70's Show is hilarious, and always puts me in a good mood. Misfits has clever humor and great writing.

11. Which show have you seen more episodes of, A or C?

Skins. I finished Skins, still watching Weeds.

12. If you could be anyone from D, who would you be?

I don't think I'd want to be anyone from that show.

13. How would you kill off your favorite character in A?

Beat him to death with a baseball bat - oh wait.

14. Give a random quotation from A?

"The first time I saw you, I knew you would be the closest thing I'd get to being close." Effy

16. Would a C/D crossover work?

Haha. Maybe there's some weird supernatural shit going on at Nancy's, and the Winchester's go over to investigate. ;)

17. Pair 2 characters in A that would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple.

Cassie and Cook?

18. Has E inspired you in any way?

Yes. I've started many Misfits videos (never finished any though).

19. Overall, which show has a better cast, B or D?

The main actors in Supernatural are great, but I'm gonna have to say That 70's Show. They just strike a very special chord in me.

20. Which has better theme music, C or E?

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