BGOS Weekend!

Feb 18, 2007 18:53

Good News!
The BGOS weekend was awesome...i now have new fossils from a site we went tell you all about it, however...
Bad News...grrr....
My course convenor decided that everyone doing bgos should do the SAME first semester...
whats wrong with that?
I now HAVE to do MATH1013 (advanced maths) and PHYS1101 (advanced physics).
THe physics isnt too bad, i can put up with that and understand why we should do it..
but the maths!!!!
I pointed out that calculus is not needed in what i want to do, and that there are NO MATH PREREQUISITES for my later courses...
my convenors reply was "just do it, its good for you"
So all in all, im not very happy.
I now have to completely change my timetable (no more BIOL1003 (genetics and evolution...*cry*) and SCOM1001 (science comunication...thats not so bad)).
And i now have to get those bastard phys and math books
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