May 03, 2021 17:43

Hello everyone :)
I have been abscent for a while, but tbh I've never been posting here regulary. I always feel like my inspiration and need-to-create something comes in waves. This is excatly why I created today's batch. Even in my non-iconing weeks (months) I am coming here, looking at feed, saving some icons to my inspo folder, sometimes even trying to participate in challenges, but usually I make not satysfying icons. Then I quit trying... That is how it works for me. On saturday, when I randomly clicked feed and checked out somein30 round 09 challenge, I immediately saw my vision for this one. Most of the icons were made the same day, last two I finished today. Not all of them are exactly the way I would like them to be, but hey girl, you tried.
So, as the round theme COORDINATES OF STYLE, I had to think about 2 dimensions I will focus on while creating. Wanting to develop my far crop skills and brightness on icons, I decided my x-axis to be crop closeness, and for an y-axis I went with brightness. 15 icons in total, lower I've put my icons since the october 2020. As always - hover for fandoms.
Stay inspired! :)







If you take some - credit me. Comments are welcome :)

enola holmes, harry potter, outer banks, riverdale, great gatsby

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