Sep 24, 2002 17:00
If anyone has had a conversation with me, then they know that I like to take "bird strolls." Not bird walks. I go out for the full on stroll. . . The problem is that my mind is moving so damn fast. Like, when you look out the window and see trees go by and they're just blurs. Yeah. Well, when someone says something, sometimes that "something" has a branch and it hooks one of my little thought loops, and then suddenly, it's there. That thought in my mind. Thus, the birth of a tangent. Then, I have to say it. I have to take the tangent because if I don't, it will zoom away, taking my previous train of thought with it, and then I will have nothing to work with. I can keep my conversations organized. I just need my tangent.
This is where problem comes. Some people don't think in the same way that I do. Some people, when they are given a tangent, lose their train of thought. I need my tangent to keep it. This tangent, for the sake of using it as a material noun, will be fuzzy and tan colored. Long like a ferret because 'tangent' Just looks like a ferret word. It doesn't have a point nose, thought. It has a cat nose and whiskers. But, it is indeed fast. . . and sneaky. Now, this tangent always has to have a teind, and so here is where the problem arises. The tangent, which is of my creation will then precede to try and take your train of thought. This usually happens, and at that point, my tangent disappears, and I go back to my point about the original conversation, and you stare at me very blankly.
There's a second problem. When talking to someone like myself, I still tend to get stuck on tangents, and since the person that I am talking to does as well, a phenomenon that I like to call 'dueling tangents' occurs. This could go on for quite a while. However, when one of the people realizes first that they are going to lose, they find some excuse to run off. It's not a defeat, though since they left the other person mid-tangent. It's sort of a draw because one person is stuck on the tangent, and one person threw down the white flag and just left.
This doesn't always occur. There are the third kind of conversations where there is the very stable minded, one track conversation on one side, and the tangenteer on the other side. In this situation, the tangenteer can go off on their tangents and when they return to point A, the Stabler will know exactly what the tangenteer was talking about. These are the best kind of conversations.
Now you ask me what the hell I am talking about. . . you would ask me that. . . wouldn't you. . . there was really no point to this entry for no other reason than to use the word 'Tangenteer'