What a day for an update!

Nov 15, 2006 23:51

So my new waitressing job is going very well. I heart it. I make lots of money, and I pay off bills like a good kid would do. And i take care of the kids, and i buy grocerys and I am so happy.

I also took off half of my thumb practically the other day while cutting a musk melon.

But things are going good. Yesterday i had to wait on my old boss. That was weird. I heard her whispering about me to her family. Bitches. Whatever, her son tipped me, so i was happy. I made 150 bucks tonight. Yes!

And hunny, seriously.....I will send you money, I am in a much better situation than you, so it would be my pleasure. Plus i probably still owe you money from all the times when i was like, " Please? I'll pay you back!"

That is all i have
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