Aug 20, 2004 18:03
school. how very not cute.
the drenkow boy is getting hot. wow. he is going to be such a ladies' man when he is in college. at like...cornell. i love that boy. my devotion seems always to go back to him, i am so hopeless. no, just kidding. that small infatuation so totally ended after pit orchestra last year. no more.
i am so very done with this romancing game.
and more importantly, where are all of my chums?? <-----that means you, emma!! (and allison. devon. everyone i NEVER see.) why don't i ever see any of my chums except in or more like NO class all day??? this isolation upsets me so. i weep despairingly.
this AP chem/AP physics/AP calculus BC afternoon frenzy will likely be the end of me. for real.
oh yes. and stucky. what a joke.