Ohio State and Illinois sent me early rejections already. That's 2/5 schools basing their sole decision on grades.
I feel like a failure. In Illinois' letter they said my cumulative GPA was 3.68 and my science was 3.61 which is higher than Oakland's records. Call me crazy , but I think that's a damn solid GPA. Obviously not good enough for vet school.
I don't know what's in store for me. If I go to vet school, I'm going to have to make tough decisions about my babies and my house. If I don't go, I have to make a decision about whether to wait a year, work and apply again, or to apply for grad school somewhere. I'm super discouraged with grad school because every grad student I've talked to is like scary smart. I'm smart, but being slightly above average isn't going to cut it.
I just don't know the point of it all.
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