Revelations from upstairs

Mar 05, 2005 16:15

It all started out when Kailee was High and she said, "we are like caged animals in a zoo sitting like this in the car"
This escalated into a talk the next day
Kailee "What kind of animals were we last night?"
Gia " we had to have been somethign bad ass"
Kailee "Baboons"
Gia "No, no not baboons....Panthers"
Kailee "No panthers are too nice"
Gia "What panthers aren't nice"
Kailee "well we can't be anything too graceful"
Gia "We have to be something that says get the fuck away from me...Like cats arent in zoos"
Kailee "pelican?"
Gia "Too good hearted...Cactus Wren?"
Kailee " What? no...Platapuses?"
Gia "Too lethargic"
Kailee "we should be spider monkeys"
Gia "how about sea monkeys
kailee goes off an a tangent explaining how her brother flushed sea monkeys down the sink once
Kailee "Flamingos?"
Gia "No..."
kailee "Ostriches!"
Gia "Yeah! dude ostriches are such dicks"
Kailee "If you were an ostrich what would you call yourself?"
Gia has a moment of consideration "...Claude"
Kailee "aww well that totally tops my name"
Gia "well what was yours?"
Kailee lowers her voice bashfully "Leonard"
In midst of laughter Gia and kailee both say "Leonard and claude"
Kailee "that should be a tv Starsky and know Leonard and Claude"
Gia "yes the power duo Leonard and Claude"
Kailee "And our eggs-"
Gia "We can shoot them at people"
Kailee "Like bombs!........we need a villian"
thinks for a bit
Kailee "....something Maverick"
Gia "Newwark....Newark Maverick"
Kailee "He needs a sidekick"
Gia "....Something with an 'F'....Francis?"
quite thought for a couple of minutes
Gia "Hey.......How come your name comes first? Why cant it be 'Claude and Leonard'"
Kailee " just sounds better...'Leonard and Claude'"
Gia thoughtfully "yeah you are right"
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