The Harbour...Chapter 64: "Frozen Here on the Ladder of My Life"

Nov 06, 2016 23:51

“Buddy, you really need to move on.  She has.”

Kyle’s best friend looked at him sadly, a pained expression on his face.

Kyle slowly leaned forward and took off his glasses, resting them on a low coffee table alongside a vintage Gibson electric guitar.

“She always comes back,” he said.

“You mean, you always convinced her to take you back,” Max said.

Kyle sat back, closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

“Kyle, it’s been more than two years since you guys split up.  She’s getting married to someone else in two weeks.  What do you think is going to happen at this point?”

“Marriage isn’t forever.”

Max's brow furrowed in annoyance and he let out an exasperated sigh.

“Man, seriously.  You need to let this shit go.”

Kyle’s mouth was set in a defiant line.

“She knows I’ve been with other women,” he said weakly, unable to meet Max's eyes.

“She found you in her bed, f&*%ing another woman.  I don’t see anyone getting over that.”

A shadow fell over Kyle’s face and he lowered his eyes.  His thick lashes looked wet.

“She stayed with you because of the kids.”

Kyle’s eyes flew open.

“She told you that?”

“Hell no.  She told Cassie.”

Kyle opened his mouth to say something, and Max put up his hand.

“Cas’ didn’t tell me not to say anything.  This was years ago.  She was talking about you guys going off on some ‘make up trip’ to Borneo.  She just said Carolyn was working it out for the sake of the children.”

Kyle leaned forward again, resting his arms on his thighs. He looked exhausted.

“Whatever chances you had were spent a long time ago, buddy,” Max said, his voice softening.

“Seriously Kyle.  Let her go.  She deserves to be happy.”

Kyle dropped his chin to his chest and wept.

(Chapter title credit: Sir Elton John)

max heden, carolyn garcia, the harbour, kyle harrelson, simmiewood

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