The Harbour...Chapter 34: When words are not enough

Apr 27, 2016 14:18

Marco looked at Joel, suddenly unsure of what to say.  He had played the conversation in his head in fine and perfect detail, just an hour ago as he lay with his arms wrapped around a sleeping Carolyn.

Now he was stumped.

Joel jammed his hands deeply into his pockets, and tried to meet Marco’s eyes.

“I’m not sure how much Mom has told you, but I don’t hate you or anything,” his voice was soft, but steady.

Marco felt a wave of relief.

“I was just surprised,” Joel continued looking over Marco’s shoulder at the wall behind him.

He rubbed his neck.

“I get that,” Marco assured him gently.

“My brain is okay with it,” Joel said.

He folded his arms and looked down at the tiles.

“...But my insides still feel a bit weird about the whole thing.”

Marco smiled.

Carolyn’s children along with an assortment of his own nieces and nephews had spent countless hours with Marco over the years going on trips to the movies, the park, the beach, sporting events and concerts.

“Joel.  It’s me.  Uncle Marco.”

Joel nodded.  “Yeah,” he said.

Then his head suddenly jerked up and he looked straight at Marco.

“I don’t want my Mom to get hurt.”

Marco was startled by the intensity in his eyes.

“How long have we known each other Joel?”

Joel shrugged.  “Years,” he mumbled.

“Then you know I’d never hurt your Mom,” he said gently.

Joel’s dropped his gaze.  “Yeah,” he whispered.

Carolyn approached smiling at them.  Marco thought her smile looked forced.  It didn’t quite meet her eyes.

“Have you spoken to Maya yet?” she asked Joel, with feigned lightness.

He nodded, almost sadly Marco thought.

“She said the fight was no big deal,” Joel said his shoulders drooping.

Carolyn frowned momentarily.  “Okaaay.”  She looked less than assured.

“You guys are alright then?”

“I guess,” Joel said, shrugging.  “ science teacher emailed me an assignment.  I’m going to...” he motioned to the door behind him.

“Let me know if you need any help.”

Joel looked back at her with the slightest trace of a smile.  “Mom?  You?  Science?  Really?”

She gave a soft laugh, and winked.

“If I need help I’ll call Grandpa,” he said, his smile broadening reluctantly.

“Sure,” she said, pressing her lips together, her eyes dancing playfully.

His smile deepened, just a bit.  He motioned that he was heading back inside and then he disappeared through the door that led to the family room.

“Well,” she said turning to Marco.  Even though there was a smile on her face, there were tears in her eyes.  “I think we’re going to survive this,” she said.

“Yes.  We will,” Marco said confidently.

“Did he?  What...?  Is everything okay with you two?” she asked hopefully, her voice laden with worry.

“He says he doesn’t hate me, and he doesn’t want you to get hurt.”

Her eyes flooded, but she blinked rapidly, swallowed, and a moment later was perfectly composed.

“That’s great!” She said, with a bright smile.

‘She’s a good actress,’ Marco thought to himself, his heart aching for her, and what she was going through emotionally.

“Mom got us an appointment to see Bishop Reece tomorrow,” she said.

His stomach flipped over, and he broke into a smile.  He was going to marry Carolyn!

They stood outside the front door a short time later, holding hands.

He hated to leave but he had an appointment with his lawyer to deal with handing over his assets in the restaurant to Nina.

As he leaned in to kiss her, they heard the security gate clicking open.  They turned to see a rather disheveled Charlie standing in the archway.

His naturally curly hair, usually kept under control by a generous amount of gel, was anything but controlled, he was missing his uniform jacket, his tie was loosened, and even through his glasses the shadows under his eyes were noticeable.

Marco raised his eyebrows in surprise at his usually well-groomed nephew’s appearance.  From the corner of his eye he could see Carolyn was equally disconcerted.

“Hi Charles,” Marco said.

“H...hi...” he stammered.

“No school this afternoon?”

“I..” He cleared his throat.  “Free period,” he said, not meeting Marco’s eyes.

He cleared his throat again.  “ Maya home?” He asked looking at Carolyn.

“Yes, she had a long night, so I let her stay home.  Missed her at school today?”

“Ye...yes.  Um...may I?”  He motioned to the door.

“Of course!  I think she’s in her room.  Since when do you ask permission to see Maya?” Carolyn said with a smile and a wave of her hand.

“Got ready in a hurry today, eh?” She said with a warm smile, ruffling his hair.

He swallowed hard and nodded, moving past Carolyn and Marco.

“See you,” he croaked as he slipped through the open door.

“Everybody is being so odd today,” Carolyn remarked.  “Is it a full moon or something?”

The strains of some hip hop song filtered through Maya’s bedroom door as Charlie stood outside.  He took a deep breath, and then made a sequence of taps on the door with his knuckles.  Their own special code that only they shared.

There was no response.

He rapped out the sequence again.  Louder this time.

“Go away!”  Maya’s voice was sharp and hostile.

His voice steady, belying his trembling hands, Charlie said slowly and deliberately,“If you don’t open the door I will break it down.”

marco d'angelo, carolyn garcia, the sims 2, the harbour

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