Jul 06, 2006 20:45
So we all knew such a blistering update pace was unsustainable, but his one's still pretty close. Still on the third (see, I saved this story for dramatic effect [or I just forgot about it]). On Monday after my half day of work, but before I ordered a car part of uncertain name, I went to the army surplus store after my fruitless search for an auto glass place. I bought yet another bag in my trademark olive drab canvas. I went with the jumbo musette bag this time (still trying in vain to retire the failing european rucksack--the bag from ebay has been demoted to junkyard toolbag status after a more devastating failure than that experienced by the european rucksack). I have high hopes for this bag--it seems sturdy. I also got a larger hat, sun, hot weather (strangely enough not a type ii) because my head is no longer 7 and a quarter. I'm both happy and sad that more stuff isn't made in olive drab canvas. Sad because I love olive drab canvas, but happy because I know I'd buy it if they made it. It's my one shopping weakness, as, otherwise, I'm generally fairly miserly.
The fourth of July added yet another item to the list of things I have made a mission critical part of a car that most certainly do not belong. Yes, to the proud litany of bailing wire as a fuel pump mount and window and door silicone sealant as a fuel pump gasket (both yellow car specials) I now add krazy glue as a coolant system patch. Incidentally, did you know that you need an ID to but krazy glue? I swear, first it's beer, then it's spray paint, then it's sudafed (you know, the real stuff--the one that works (and unfortunately is a precursor to meth)), then it's krazy glue. WTF? I swear I don't know what could possibly be next. If not wanting to show an ID to buy an extremely versatile bonding agent means that I hate freedom, then doggone it I hate freedom.
I watched the world cup and the fire works with Jennifer later on, which was nice (despite the German loss).
Remember, if minors buy krazy glue, then the terrorists win.