Apr 13, 2012 17:16
this time a year ago,
I had just gotten back into the work force after graduating and I had maybe $50 to my name...
a lot has happened in a year...a lot.
each day i feel like im getting closer and closer to my dreams and to leaving texas
its very exciting and absolutely terrifying.
i feel like with each day i'm growing less and less attached to the things that have been holding me back...
and there's this confidence inside that's growing that i dont really know how to describe....
as pretentious/dumb as it sounds...i feel like ive always had something inside of me telling me that i'm meant for something
call it my dreams/hopes/goals/the hand of God whatever
just that...I have a strength inside of me and if i could just get over myself and my fears that i could do something with it
i think i'm starting to get to a point where i can start harnessing that power
i'm not sure exactly what it all means but i just know...I want to be someone with power. I want to be someone that makes things. I want to be someone that calls the shots and leads and makes shit get done.
I always feel like kind of a creep when i talk about this feeling I have because...no shit, what wide eyed, idealistic, art kid doesnt think that about themselves?
I just want so badly to be brave.