dear mama...

May 25, 2005 03:09

On the way back to the car tonight,John, Ross, and I got a gun pulled on us. A GUN! When it happened, the first thought that went through my head was: I'm in a TV show...this is the OC. No lie. I just had nothing else. And to think that calling some guy a "middle-aged bastard" (after he called me an equally attractive name) would get a gun into the mix!

It was the worst moment of my life. He pulled out the gun and screamed, "BACK THE FUCK UP!" to each of us individually. We kept saying, "Put it away. It's cool, man!" and then he showed us up with, "OH IT'S COOL NOW, HUH?!" I'm still shaking. The cops just left my apartment.

Luckily, this all happened in the US Post Office parking lot at 6th and Guadalupe. I'm reeeealllyyy hoping that they have some sort of video survellience of the whole thing. I was way too tramautized to get the fucker's license plate.

Goodnight. I'm glad we're all still here.
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