Day Goes By

Jan 23, 2003 12:59

Hello All! Just thought I would put in a new entry in my journal! Things are normal right now. The day is still young however. I am a cashier at a grocery store and they cut my hours again this week! Much sadness. The only day I work is today, and that is from 6-11 pm! not a lot of hours, is it? Nope, didn't think you would agree with this either. Oh well. It figures. I'm leaving to go to Jacksonville one week from today, so it figures that it would be just my luck to run out of funds at about this time. Yay. Oh well. My friend Michelle and I carpooled to school today. It turns out that we have classes in the same building on the 2nd floor at our college campus at the same time...which is really good for us. We watched a cute anime yesterday called, "His and Her Circumstances." It's so cuute! I was happy to see that the 6 episodes we watched yesterday amused her. I haven't really gotten to see her much since school started for us. I haven't really gotten to see many of my friends...Steve is one of them. My other friends you all will definitely read about in future passages to come, I can assure you. There's Laura, Luciana, Alaina, Michelle, Joann, Jeff, Randy, Brian, and many more. I'm going to MegaCon with Steve, Luci, Alaina, Randy, and some others on March 1st. You probably already read about that from SchmittyYDKJ's journal entries. Yes, that's right friends's! It's Steve! Yayness! Well, I only had one class today and that was an English Composition class that ended at 10:15 am. I usually have a tendency to sleep in, and I almost slept in this morning. Luckily, I remembered that I was supposed to pick Michelle up today. We had breakfast afterward at McDonald's and complained about the finance department of our school. It's all good. I found out at about 2 am this morning that Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is finally coming to DVD on April 11th of this year! YES! I CAN'T WAIT! I found out that that is on a i'm going to skip classes on that day and I'm going to go to the store and stay there until they start stocking that movie! They've already announced that Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix will be released on June 21st, Saturday...but I already knew that for a while now. Tee hee! I'm very obsessed, just to warn you now about Harry Potter. If you are a HP fan and reading this now...please write to me and tell me who you're fave character is...My favorite character is Snape...He really makes the story more interesting. I love the actor, Alan Rickman, who portrays him in the movie too. But I've always liked Alan Rickman, no matter what movie or play he's been in. I'm getting off subject. I tend to do that a lot. Anyway...right now...i'm not doing anything special. None of my friends are online except for my friend Melinda. She's a huge anime freak. We're talking extravagantly big! She tends to speak in a horrible broken Japanese language, but that's okay. I still love her, no matter how much she slaughter's my family's native tongue! *giggle* you know i love you Melinda! I just read her online journal. She REALLY needs to update it. I think i'll force her at gunpoint! Tee hee! Well, listen, I think I'll be going for now. I'm going to go browse around for more Harry Potter sites! LOL. Bye then! Anyone interested in Harry Potter or cute anime, please email me at

work, friends, alan rickman, snape, harry potter, anime, anime convention

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