Playing house in the ruins of us

Feb 22, 2011 00:54

home again home again, jiggity jig... or in this case, back to the usual theme. well vday is over, so might as well switch it all back to the familiarity of skulls, death and purple. because really that's every girls' dream... i don't know why i'm talking about this actually. my life must be that boring.

so since my phone informed me that it was actually payday last sunday. i now know i officially have 8 days left to book sc pre-order. no worries, i'll get it done. prolly tomorrow when i get my room back, and my privacy returned to me. least for the night anyway.

right-o. yeah so my sisters are visiting... well 2 of them at least. 1 isn't even really my sister i just call her one since we've known each other since we were kids and it's just easier to say to people she's my step sister rather than explaining our retarded family dynamic. she does the same, so i don't feel it's awkward. see my mom had her first marriage and during that she had my two older sisters, jaime and nikki. then she got divorced and had me with my dad years and years later. well my sisters' dad also got re-married quite some time later, and married a woman with a really young daughter named laura. laura is like 4 or 5 years younger than me, which puts her majorly younger than my sisters. well my mom's on pretty good terms with her first husband, and when she was a teen, nikki lived with him so i would stay with her dad and his new wife when i went for visits with nikki during the summer. so i've known laura since she was about 6. she would also come down here with nikki sometimes, and i know it sounds kinda wierd, but she would stay with us, so we;ve kinda grown up with one another around. so she is my little sister and we do get along quite well. well apparently laura wanted to come down and see me and the gang when nikki was supposed to come down as well, so nikki brought her along too.

on the way down, nikki's new jeep was having issues, which it has been having issues for awhile. it's under warranty so she would take it in, but the problem wasn't getting fixed apparently. so she drove it down here, and it started acting up again. because she was down here she took it to the shop down here, and apparently the thing needs a new engine. they're now trying to get out of the warranty because it's a $10,000 car. but my dad (my sister's step dad) is helping her out. he's a mechanic so he knows what to say and how to argue with these guys i guess. anyway, he's dealing with it, but it kinda means she's stuck down here for the time being, which is not good.

she was supposed to go back yesterday, but stayed down the extra day because of the jeep. and because apparently they told her she can't take the loaner car they gave her to kelowna. so kayden's already missed a day of school, and apparently she's freaking out a little because she needs to get kayden and bella back to kelowna by tomorrow evening because they're supposed to be with their dad next week. nikki and the father of her kids are no longer together. so she's leaving early tomorrow, taking them and laura back, because laura needs to be back for work and then coming back down to deal with all the jeep crap. i dunno if she's going there and coming back in the same day, or if she's going to stay up there for a day or two before coming back down...

my worry is... that it started snowing today. and not just a light dust. it was sticking. so i can just imagine what the highway connecting the coast and kelowna looks like, since it winds through the mountains. all well, i'm sure it'll all get figured out.

so last night i was a total nerd, and after work i went with my sisters and kayden to see the bieber movie, 'never say never.' i will admit i did find it entertaining. suprisingly i never actually hate the biebs. suprising because i tend to hate everything... but i kinda see him as the kitten in the charmin commercials. justin bieber, oh you... after watching it, i kinda like the kid. he works pretty hard. he's generally nice to people, and my favorite part is he gets his staff before a show to go out and find groups of kids and if they're fans he gives them free tickets. which is kinda nice... also i like anyone that tries to entertain me with dancing. i've also developed a small platonic crush on jaden smith. that kid's cute!♥♥
i swear if i ever have a black kid, i want him to be just like jaden smith. being that this is highly unlikely. i'll just buy a new cat and name him jaden then make him dance for treats. i like that idea far better.

i hope i can have my bed back, at least for the night tomorrow... maybe i'll just steal it back, fall asleep in it and kick nikki out if she comes back down the same day as she leaves. i have a huge bed, so her and laura have been sharing and then bella has been sleeping in the play pen beside them. this usually works because i need utter silence when i sleep. i usually sleep alone so the sound of someone breathing beside me, bothers me... there's only a couple people i can handle. like izzy♥
because she's completely silent. nikki breathes through her mouth, and sometimes she snores :C
i'll be crossing my fingers. updated the groove list.


couch, car, sisters, justin bieber, groove list, dad, movies, family, laura, theme, nikki

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