i slowly feel the crawling fingers of the l'cie curse grasping hold of my mind and body. honeing my mind to one singular focus that i am helpless to ignore as pictures flash through my unconcious body of dualshock and my husband's shining mirror finish. i fear for my own future as vincent's dark voice echos in my mind. 'forgo sleep, spend your time with me...'
in other words i've been completely addicted to ff13 since i picked it up last tuesday. it makes life difficult, especially currently with the kids visiting. i want to kill ghouls and peacekeepers, bella wants to watch hours of dora the explorer. this is why i like being left alone :C
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new entry to my little project. this one's longer, features an introduction by me and news about where i'm at with the costume.... kinda. then has clips of liv and i shopping at dressew. i should have gotten footage of when we were at metro and we went to the stripper shoe store to get liv some white platforms so she can be tall and imposing. i got a pair of pretty new shoes as well. but mine are stiletto because i won't need a platform in americaland where everyone is a short little fucker.
at some point i'd like to get out this weekend and go to liv's to work on what we have left to do. which is a lot. maybe next entry i'll show my wig or something. it's pretty fantastical. i always seem to look better in wigs than i do with my actual hair.... least in my opinion. i suppose i should be grateful, i mean i've seen people who look horrid in wigs.