Today I didn't even have to use my A.K., I got to say it was a good day

May 20, 2009 02:41

so i decided it was due time to post about my awesome life.

also it's 3 am and i'm a little drunk and feeling loquacious but there is no one to talk to ... since it's 3 am.
summer has already been a whirlwind but you know what? with the people in my life a whirl wind has come to be what i expect and so really things have been going pretty much per usual.

i finally went and applied for my passport today. in 4 to 6 weeks i will be available to chill with it internationally.

i went to my mom's for dinner and we cooked tuna steaks. tuna steaks are SO good that i would have no problem eating one off the ground. and i know that to be true because i've done it before.

i honestly love when you think you're just gonna be elderly and read a book and go to bed, and then a lovely girl like kristin kennedy calls and delights you with a spontaneous invite to hang out.  so i called up kacie and she brought BK and a group of us met up and went to college hill.  if you don't know this already i'm not one for the bar scene (despite the classy, suave individuals who usually frequent greensboro bars). i hate having to talk loud so people can hear me, and the impersonal atmosphere, but i have to admit i had a damn good time and came across some very interesting characters.  The bar is a great place to people watch as long as you're somewhat sober and capable of thoughtful observation.  plus the hotdogs they sell outside are SO GOOD. kacie and i planned on sharing one but decided life was too short to split a dog of this caliber.  i ran into one of my customers too who always gets a black tea with cold whole milk (they were impressed that i remembered that). i also ran into a guy from high school who said hey to me and i didn't recognize him. this made me feel like a huge asshole.  oh and what the hell is the deal with people bringing their dogs to the bar with them? since when do people do that? NOT legit. do you think your dog enjoys being trampled with drunk people and filling their small lungs with cigarette smoke? no.

we are camping out in actual tents tomorrow at ryan's. tents that i've provided.  it feels nice to contribute. beers, smores, fires. that is what i am talking about .  hopefully natalie will come if she's not being a fucking no-show again (just kidding nat. no, but seriously)

i invited myself to be ryan's date to a wedding this weekend.  maybe he would have invited me on his own, i didn't wait to find out.  all i know is that i fucking love weddings and dancing and free food and open bars and dressing up.  the last wedding i went to was my sister's in new york city.  that was the most magical wedding in the universe. partly because i was drunk with my family and there's absolutely nothing more amusing than that.  ryan and i are going to coordinate our outfits and blow everyone away with how hard we cut rugs and simply by being SO fly.

i just want to throw this out there: my friends mean the fucking WORLD to me and i am constantly thinking about their feelings.

tomorrow is the first day of summer school.  i have cultural antrhopology 12:30-2:30.  i am actually really excited, this is something i've always wanted to learn more about.  and plus alexa and i have made plans to walk eachother to class everyday since we have class at the same time and we're basically neighbors. cute.

even though a lot's been happening, this has still been one of the slowest weeks ever.  being away from you has made me realize a lot of things.

it is far far past my bed time.

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