(no subject)

Jul 08, 2004 21:35

What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?
what dreams may come... my goodness

x. If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?
i told laura yesterday that i would get a chin implant yesterday just cause i thought that it is crazy for anyone to get that... but i would probably get lyposuction or something... but i would never do it.

x. Do you have a completely irrational fear?
hmmm... calling certain people.

x. What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moment?
i bit my nails... or play with my hair and look away and say really dumb things

x. Are you a pyromaniac?
nope cant say that i am...

x. Do you have too many love interests?
i wouldnt say LOVE interests... but lately i have been into a lot of guys which i usually only like one at a time... but there is only one that i really like the others are just crushes.

x. Do you know anyone famous?
ive met famous people... i dont really know them

x. Describe your bed.
its a full size futon... with a slightly better mattress then your usual futon.. it is as hard as a rock and it has white sheets with little red dots on it and a khaki blanket and i only sleep on one side of it.

x. Spontaneous or planned?
usually i like spontaneous things...depends on what it is

x. Do you know how to play poker?
yeah.... i learn when i was like 3, i get hecka suprise when i hear that people dont know how to play

x. What do you carry with you at all times?
my cell phone... i dont know what id do without it.

x. What do you miss most about being little?
having no bills... have free summers... being able to do anything without worrying... the biggest problem i ever had was an argument with my brothers or sister.. those were the days

x. Are you happy with your given name?
i think the name kim kiley is cute... its not too bad and its simple.

x. How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?
umm this is what i do when im bored. at home, at work, at lauras... everybody that i talk to on here i talk to on the phone tho... so it wouldnt be TOO horrible. but it depends on how much is being offered

x. Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?
not usually... i get an attitude sometimes... i which i could be more easy going sometimes. im sure my friends do as well

x. Do transient, homeless, or starving people bother you?
sometimes... sometimes it is sad and i dont know their situations...

x. Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?
yeah, i am usually pretty nice... i used to be too nice and would do whatever for anybody.

x. Do you spend more time with your boyfriend/girlfriend or your friends?
i dont have a b/f, but when i did have one, he was almost the only person that i hung out with... i dont recommend that.

x. What's one thing you wish you could do but can't?
be with someone...

x. What is your ideal marriage location?
the temple

x. Which musical instrument do you wish you could play?
i always wanted to play the drums.. it is super hard for me tho. you have to be cordinated... and i always wanted to be super good at the piano and id like to play guitar but it hurts my fingers, im a SUPER wimp.

x. Favorite fabric?
anything super soft

x. Something you love and hate?

x. Do you tell your friends about your sex life?

x. What's the one language you want to learn?

x. What do you order at a bar?
shirly temple...

x. Have you ever pierced your body parts?
besides my ears i had my eyebrow when i turned 18

x. Do you have tattoos?
x. Do you drive stick?
im a pro! no... im okay at it... andy, jake and christophe and my dad all showed me how.

x. What's one trait you hate in a person?
people that lie about stuff to make them sound cool, mean people

x. What kind of watch(es) do you wear?

x. Do you consider yourself materialistic?
yeah, a little

x. What do you cook the best?
anything out of a box... for reals. oh and mashed potatoes or eggs

x. Favorite writing instrument?
the really inky pens

x. Do you prefer to stand out or blend in?
usually blend in

x. What kind of books do you like to read?
jack weyland books and the funny girly ones, i like oprah bookclub books too and i like a lot of books that become movies.

x. If you won the lottery, what would you do?
i would buy a car and go shopping pay my bills... depends on how much i won.

x. What's one thing you're a sore loser at?
arguments... haha. when people cheat so i lose.

x. If you don't like a person, how do you show it?
i make fun of them and my facial expressions usually show...i cant help it.

x. Do you cry in front of friends?
yeah... i cant help it... if im mad or sad then i cry... or when im laughing too hard like on sat

x. What's one thing you like to do alone?
put on my makeup... i hate when people stare at me ... pray... drive

x. Are you a giver or a taker?
im more of a giver i think. i usually feel bad taking from people unless i am close to them.

x. When's the last time you cried?
sat when i was thrown into the wooden box and now i have bruises to show for it.

x. Favorite communication method?
being in person, text messages... phone.

x. Favorite kind of porn?
the funny ones ... i mean uuuh what???????

x. Do you ever have to beg?
yeah... if i want somethign and nothing else works... i have no shame... haha

x. Have you ever done any illegal drugs?
yeah.... but nothing bad and that was before i realized what was really important.

x. Do you think you're cute?
not usually and my friends are always there to assure me that im not.

x. Do you have problems changing clothes in front of friends?
not usually.

x. What's the most painful experience you've ever had? my frist real break up... losing my best friend of 5 years... having a sore tooth... my goodness!

i heard your mom did!
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