Oct 05, 2021 13:18
Everyone is in arms over the facebook/instagram etc shut down. Personally, people need to be snapped back to reality like that often. Separation is key.
Getting a new A/C finally. Thankful and grateful it lasted through the summer. That's what I was most worried about. I set aside the money since day one. They told me it was older than dirt from that point, so two years later. PHEW! Thank you, Universe. LOVE YOU for taking care of us like you do. <3 ♥
Yesterday felt like i was in a different dimension. Weirdest feeling. Crashed as soon as I got home. With it being warmer in the house, it knocked me out. Energy at an all time low. Got some rest, and was able to get some decorating out of the way. Was getting down on myself for not getting it down like I planned. Forced myself to get out there and dowit. Actually was kind of nice. Worked out well, looks good. I'm not finished, but it will be fun to add things throughout the week. LOVE HALLOWEEN. Can't wait to hand out candy. Have to think of something to get the kids to come to our house. They didn't come by our street much last year.
Learned today, it's last DITCH effort LOL!!!!!!
Think I want to go back to school. I know it will be hard, but I think it will be the final and best choice for my future. I'm going to commit. Haven't told anyone, really. Just Gram Carol. Don't want anyone to tell me I can't do it. I can. I will.