Today was ghey ghey ghey. I woke up on time, and even left for school on time. Then as I'm driving to school, I look in my mirror and realize my back pack isn't in my truck. So I have to turn around and go back and get my back pack. Slipped into class unoticed, because I'm slick like that. Then I realized I forgot my news paper for my current event in Coach Sessions. So my mom had to bring it to school. And it wasn't a cool current event either. It was about wineries up north. Who really gives a crap about that. I'll tell you I won't because no one cares.
Then in Coach Sessions, we had a test. I didn't know the essay questions, but hopefully I got one out of the two correct. Then, we were SUPPOSED to watch "National Treasure", but we didn't have any speakers to plug into the RCA ports in the DVD player. So we didn't get to watch it.
Then, in 3rd. I thought it was T-shirt Tuesday (where we don't have to wear our uniforms, we wear the unit t-shirt. Hence, "t-shirt Tuesday") but it wasn't. It was a pay to get out of uniform day, but I didn't have my money with me. So I had to have a buddy bail me out.
I got my red stoll (sp?). Also, got my year book finally. I've got some beef to take up with the yearbook committee. They quoted me sayin stuff that I never even said. They said I enjoyed after school practice....... Hmmmm, yeah, I like to stand around in the after noon sun baking like a potatoe in a microwave while I stand there like a moron marching around in a square. WOOOO HOOOOOOO!! OUTRAGEOUSLY AWESOME!!
I also had to get a hair cut after school. I always have to get one right when my hair starts to get long. I hate that. It is not nearly as hot now. And my cap for cap and gown actually fits now, too.
Thank goodness, tomorrow is Wednesday.
This is for those of you old enough to vote. Please call 202-224-3121, or go to and let your Senator know that it is unacceptable for a small minority of U.S. Senators to permanently block President Bush’s judicial nominees from even receiving an up-or-down vote. The way for a senator to express opposition to a nominee is to vote ‘no’ - not prevent a vote from taking place.