ramblings on a theme (but not by William Carlos Williams)

Jan 10, 2010 00:32

So, I'm a little conflicted. On the one hand, I kind of don't want to keep talking about wedding stuff, because I don't want to be boring and annoying, and because I don't want to spend too much time thinking about it and make myself all disappointed again just in case, and because I don't want to make Mike feel all pressured and unhappy. On the other hand, I do want to post here with something approaching regularity, and Mike's barely ever on LJ any more. And I'm still thinking about wedding stuff. So.

Speaking of bending and/or breaking uncomfortable traditions, what's up with the garter throw? I've heard it originated way back in the Dark Ages (so-called) when the whole celebration would get drunk and bawdy and follow the couple back to their bedroom, and the groom would toss off something of the bride's to distract the crowd and let them get away. I'm not sure if I believe that or not, but the image (from a safe distance) is kind of entertaining. However, I'm not sure I'm down for participating myself. I mean, Mike reaching up under my skirt, removing an item of clothing, and throwing it into a crowd of a bunch of guys, while even more people look on, sounds pretty unenjoyable to me. I'm not into that kind of thing. I mentioned this to Mike, and he's like aww, I kind of like keeping up the traditions. I told him if he really wanted to throw something, he could throw his boutonniere. *grin.

Granted, I've also heard that the whole bouquet-toss thing is pretty sexist at base, and I can actually see that, too, when I think about it. I mean, the idea that catching the bouquet is lucky, 'cause every single woman wants to be married? Yeah. Eff that. (And I say this as someone who is getting married, but I know you guys know that getting married wasn't something I gave two shakes about before I met Mike.) But despite that, the bouquet toss isn't nearly so sketchy as the garter toss.

So yeah, I've been thinking of tossing the garter toss, because even if it weren't kind of creepified, it would still be really embarrassing. And there are few things I hate like turning scarlet in front of a whole bunch of people. (With my skin tone, it's really easy to see, too.) I'm pretty sure I can convince Mike on those grounds. But then I sort of wonder if I can somehow make it NOT all girls-only. Like, ask everyone who wants to to come down for the bouquet toss, not just women. And Mike could throw his boutonniere at the same time, so he wouldn't be left out, either. ^_^ Though I don't really think Mike would agree to that. Aside from the fact that he doesn't generally like bending tradition so far, he'd probably feel like it threatened his masculinity. *grin. Also, a lot of my guests would probably just go "Whuh?" because plenty of them are not as liberal (or as comfortable being weird) as I am. Even assuming that any guys would be willing to go catch flowers like a girl. (eyeroll) I mean, I'm sure I have some friends who would, but of the three I'm pretty positive of off the top of my head, two are in a committed relationship right now. And even if they weren't, I'm pretty sure they'd be vee-e-e-ery outnumbered. But then, I'm pretty sure the ones who would do it to begin with wouldn't care. *grin. Although now that I think about it, I kind of wonder which, if any, of the groomsmen would do it. Huh. There's an interesting thought.

Anyway, I don't think this is particularly likely to happen, but it's still kinda fun to think about. ^_^ Also, I am no longer sick! Hooray!

Mike also brought up where we're going to spend our wedding night, which I hadn't really thought a lot about. I mean, my parents' house is clearly not happening. God, what a thought. But this does bring up something of a problem: namely, that I really hate hotels. Well, it's not so much an active dislike as a strong distaste. Maybe? It's hard to explain. I dislike how impersonal and generic so many of them seem. They're spaces that belong to no one and that no one cares about. It sounds weird and dumb, but that bugs the ever-living hell out of me. Which, given me, kind of makes sense, but again, not in a way that I can really explain. -_- So I don't ever feel at home in a normal hotel. And I don't hardly want to spend my wedding night in a place I don't feel at home or happy in, y'know? *sigh. Anyway, so I need to look around the greater Charlotte area for either a really cool hotel - not necessarily really nice or expensive, that isn't really what bugs me - or a nice B&B. If anyone happens to know any, I'd love to hear about them. ^_^

And I think that's probably quite enough silly ramblings out of me for right now. Plus, it's late, I'm tired, and I should really go to bed. (Also, I can't believe how long I can ramble on about even things as silly as this. There's a reason why my friends' page is entitled "the people who actually put up with me." *grins, shakes head.)

Love you guys!

cultural criticism, wedding

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