
Oct 20, 2008 21:54

I've had a pretty darn great weekend.

Friday I started my Internship at the regional gallery. I'm helping the Education and Public Programs manager organise an afternoon tea meeting thing for disability service providers. That required a lot of phone calls, and designing and printing flyers. I'm mainly glad that I finally started my work placement as all my work for the Industry Placement unit is due next week.

On Saturday I went out with one of my clan mates. We went to Yum Cha and I ate chicken feet with much disgust. Asians eat weird shit, I tells you. After that we went and watched Max Payne.  I've never played the games so had no opinion on it before entering. It was an alright movie. Could have been done better, could have been more interesting. Afterwards we wandered around the shoppng center, trolling different shops. And then we went to Max Brenner because chocolate is fucking good!

It was the nicest time out I've had in ages. Not only was he really nice, pouring me tea all the time during lunch he also payed for it and provided free movie tickets. Swish! It was a beautiful day, I had oodles of fun talking to him about geeky things and even the evil track work bus ride wasn't so bad.

And yesterday I went Paintballing with my friends. What an experience. I only have one bruise which hurts when I touch it, and a few other superficial wounds. Don't think I'll want to go again. It's super expensive. And getting up at 6 to be there at 7:30 = not cool. But still what a nice day. It was quite hot and sunny and but the time I got home, around 2:30 it was cool again and started to rain shortly after. I was so buggered/ Slept for a bit then slept for a bit more than stayed up and wnet to bed at midnight. I woke up today feeling totally crap and half dead.

Which was great coz I had to go to the second day of my internship. I had fun today there too. Did a bit of work, printing and stuffing things into envelopes and then the real fun began. I got to play with lego!!! There's a program running where school kids come in and recreate an artwork in Lego form. I was planning out and drafting a plan. Measuring dimensions and then drawing them onto the lego floor and sticking things down, just to make sure it would all work. After that I did a bit more work, researching grants and writing a short overview and then I got to go home early.

I've had a really great weekend and I've just been feeling really happy and loving the music I've been listening to. The Coldplay album Viva La Vida is so great, and sounds a great deal different to all their previous alsbums. It's so happy and I love the new flavour of instruments. It's my soundtrack of choice for this month.


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